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Il en est peu qui y pensent; leurs bras agissent aussi vigoureusement que l'on veut, leurs tetes se reposent, et ne prennent presque part a rieu"* * "Military men in general do their duty with much courage, but few make it a subject of reflection. With all the bodily activity that can be expected of them, their minds remain at rest, and partake but little of the business they are engaged in."

Mais de grands changements dans les circonstances amenent pour les animaux de grands changements dans leurs besoins et de pareils changements dans les besoins en amenent necessairement dans les actions. Or, si les nouveaux besoins deviennent constants ou tres durables, les animaux prennent alors de nouvelles habitudes qui sont aussi durables que les besoins qui les ont fait naitre.

Il en est peu qui y pensent; leurs bras agissent aussi vigoureusement que l'on veut, leurs tetes se reposent, et ne prennent presque part a rieu"* * "Military men in general do their duty with much courage, but few make it a subject of reflection. With all the bodily activity that can be expected of them, their minds remain at rest, and partake but little of the business they are engaged in."

I then made for a hut a short distance apart from the others, belonging to a tête de boule, where I remained in quietness for about the space of fifteen minutes; when suddenly my Canadian came rushing into the hut, his countenance betraying the utmost alarm, and staring me wildly in the face, he stammered out, "Les sauvages! les sauvages, monsieur, prennent leurs armes! Sauvons-nous!

There is a French proverb which says that, "LES HOMMES SE PRENNENT PAR LA DOUCEUR," and a coarser English one, to the effect that "More wasps are caught by honey than by vinegar." "Every act of kindness," says Bentham, "is in fact an exercise of power, and a stock of friendship laid up; and why should not power exercise itself in the production of pleasure as of pain?"

But artists are the most unprincipled folk unhung. Ils prennent leur bien la, ou ils le trouvent." "Oh, no," said the Duchessa, "I think she was fair game. One can carry delicacy too far. He was entitled to the benefits of his discovery for, after all, it was a discovery, was n't it?