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"Du bist Orplid, mein Land! Das ferne leuchtet " I sang. I smiled at the contrast between the meaningless and trivial life of the people, who presumably lived there, and the wondrous magic glory it all assumed through the power of my imagination.

The congregation sang according to the tune of "Wie schoen leuchtet der Morgenstern": "One hundred years, thrice told this day, By heavenly grace truth's radiant ray Beamed through the Reformation; Yea, glorious as Aurora's light Dispels the gloomy mists of night, Dawn'd on the world salvation. Luther! Zwingli! Joined with Calvin! From error's sin The church to free Restored religious liberty."

"Ich blick' im mein Herz, und ich blick' in die Welt, Bis vom schwimmenden Auge die Thräne mir fällt: Wohl leuchtet die Ferne mit goldenem Licht, Doch hält mich der Nord, ich erreiche sie nicht. O die Schranken so eng, und die Welt so weit! Und so flüchtig die Zeit, und so flüchtig die Zeit.

"I never see one of those fellows," says Cousin Frank, "without setting him to the music of that saddest and subtlest of Heine's poems. You know it, Lucy;" and he repeats: "Mein Herz, mein Herz is traurig, Doch lustig leuchtet der Mai; Ich stehe gelehnt an der Linde, Hoch auf der alten Bastei. "Am alten grauen Thurme Ein Schilderhauschen steht; Ein rothgerockter Bursche Dort auf und nieder geht.

Art thou nothing other than a Vulture, then, that fliest through the Universe seeking after somewhat to eat; and shrieking dolefully because carrion enough is not given thee? Close thy Byron; open thy Goethe." "Es leuchtet mir ein, I see a glimpse of it!" cries he elsewhere: "there is in man a HIGHER than Love of Happiness: he can do without Happiness, and instead thereof find Blessedness!