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He's awfully deep that Boustrapa! If you like I will lend you Les Chatiments de Victor Hugo it's marvellous L'avenir, le gendarme de Dieu rather boldly written, but what force in it, what force! That was a fine saying, too, of Prince Vyazemsky's: "Europe repeats: Bash-Kadik-Lar keeping an eye on Sinope." I adore poetry. I have Proudhon's last work, too I have everything.

Autour de lui, le silence de la terreur et du respect.... C'est alors qu'il repondait aux questions, annoncait l'avenir, le destin des batailles, la volonte des dieux; et, chose etonnante! au sein de ce delire, de cet enthousiasme religieux, son langage etait grave, imposant, son eloquence noble et persuasive."

"There is but one thing in it that pleases me, and that is the title-'il ne faut pas s'inquieter de l'avenir. The little King of Prussia has done well to choose this for his motto, for without it, it strikes me, his peace would be forever gone, for his future will surely be a humiliating one." The count laughed. "How true that is!" said he "and a just answer to his stupid poem.

"'Monsieur, vous avez un fils qui fait de la peinture. "'Oui, monsieur. "'Il a du merite. Il a beaucoup d'avenir. "'Ah, said I, 'c'est une belle chose que l'avenir. "The elderly French gentleman rolled up the whites of his eyes and answered: "'Oui, c'est une belle chose; mais vous et moi, nous n'en avons pas beaucoup! "Superfluous information!

Je connais de longue date les sentiments qui vous inspirent, et vous savez tout le prix que j'y attache. Vous avez raison de dire que l'avenir se montre assez sombre pour toutes les nations de l'Europe.

"Une telle conduite peut encore aujourd'hui paraitre etrange a bien des personnes; mais outre que l'avenir fit bien voir que c'etait une inspiration du ciel, nous pouvons repondre, avec un savant et pieux auteur, que nous ne devons point juger ceux que Dieu se charge lui-meme de conduire." p. 247. Mother St. Thomas highly approves the proceeding, and says:

He had been one of the original members of the Rouge party and, as editor of L'Avenir, a vehement exponent of the principles of that party, but had later sobered down, determined to devote himself to constructive work. He had taken an active part in a colonization campaign and had both preached and practised improved farming methods.

On the 28th of the same month I find this phrase in one of his letters: "Ma position est plus tendue que jamais et les changements survenus dans notre administration me donnent des craintes serieuses pour l'avenir." Then we learned that a project for lighting Bucharest with gas was on foot, and that my father was to go there to ascertain the chances of success.

From the Comte de Paris 6 janvier. J'ai ete vivement touche de la lettre que vous m'avez ecrite, des voeux que vous m'adressez au moment ou nous entrons dans une annee qui semble nous reserver bien des surprises. L'avenir est plein d'incertitudes et de dangers.

The public is won by the bold, imperious talents by the enterprising and the skillful. It does not believe in modesty, which it regards as a device of impotence. The golden book contains but a section of the true geniuses; it names those only who have taken glory by storm. November 15, 1876. I have been reading "L'Avenir Religieux des Peuples Civilises," by Emile de Laveleye.