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It chiefly relates to geography, navigation, and commerce, and on all these topics gives full and accurate information. Fragmens d'un Voyage dans l'Afrique occidentale, 1785-87. Par Golbery. Paris, 1802. 2 vols. 8vo.

Il est un autre passage composé de mer et de terre, et celui-ci offre deux routes; l'une, par l'Afrique, l'autre par l'Italie.

Toutain, Cités romaines de la Tunisie, p. 79 note: 'Ce qui toutefois est incontestable, c'est que cette disposition d'une régularité artificielle, autour de deux grandes voies exactement orientées et se coupant a angle droit, est très rare dans l'Afrique romaine.

Leo was a Spanish Moor, who left Spain at the reduction of Grenada, and travelled a long time in Europe, Asia, and Africa: his description of the northern parts of Africa is the most full and accurate. L'Afrique de Marmol. Paris, 1669. 3 vols. 4to. This translation, by D'Ablancourt, of a very scarce Portuguese writer, is not made with fidelity.

As to Drury, Captain Pasfield Oliver thinks that his editor, probably Defoe, or an imitator of Defoe, 'faked' the book, partly out of De Flacourt's Histoire de Madagascar , and a French authority adds another old French source, Dapper's Description de l'Afrique.

A British Protectorate was also established in the year 1884 over the coast districts around Lagos, "with the view of guarding their interests against the advance of the French and Germans ." For the Franco-German agreement of December 24, 1885, delimiting their West African lands, see Banning, Le Partage politique de l'Afrique, pp. 22-26.

A l'entendre il s'embarqua l'an 1332, jour de Saint-Michel; il voyagea pendant trente-cinq ans, et parcourut une grande partie l'Asie et de l'Afrique. Eh bien, ayez comme moi le courage de le lire; et si vous lui accordez d'avoir vu peut-être Constantinople, la Palestine et l'Egypte (ce que moi je me garderois bien de garantir),

This also is an interesting work, as depicting with great naïveté and force the manners of the inhabitants, and affording some curious particulars respecting their diseases. Nouvelle Relation de l'Afrique occidentale. Par Labat. Paris, 1728. 5 vols. 12mo.

"Votre beauté, grande princesse, Porte les traits dont elle blesse Jusques aux plus sauvages lieux: L'Afrique avec vous capitule, Et les conquêtes de vos yeux Vont plus loin que celles d'Hercule."

An early description of this bird is to be found in W. Paterson's Narrative of Four Journeys into the Country of the Hottentots, 1789; also in Le Vaillant's Second Voyage dans l'intérieur de l'Afrique, 1803, t. iii., p. 322. The industry of the woven dwelling does not flourish among mammals; but there is one which excels in it.