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I asked a woman to-day if she still contrived to have access to the priests, and she replied, "Ah, oui, il y a encore de la facilite, par ce que l'on ne trouve pas des gardes ici qui ne sont pas pour eux."* * "Yes, yes, we still contive it, because there are no guards to be found here who don't befriend them."

* A lady, confined in one of the state prisons, made an offering, through the hands of a Deputy, of ten thousand livres; but the Convention observed, that this could not properly be deemed a gift for, as she was doubtless a suspicious person, all she had belonged of right to the republic: "Elle doit etre a moi, dit il, et la raison, "C'est que je m'appelle Lion "A cela l'on n'a rien a dire."

What is there any better than blazes for me to go to? Besides, it isn't so awful when you've got nothing else." "Oh, rot, Walker! I'm ashamed of you. I can imagine a man of your type doing almost anything else but taking to drink." Chip shrugged his shoulders with the habit acquired in French schools. "On fait ce que l'on peut. I had three resources left to me wine, woman, and song.

Monsieur Cadron was an artist, and his branch of art was hair-dressing. It was by his own wish he was here to-day, since he had conceived a new coiffure especially adapted, he declared, to the type of Madame Spence. Behold him declaring ecstatically that seldom in his experience had he had such hairs to work with. "Avec une telle chevelure, l'on peut tout faire, madame.

"Les manieres que l'on neglige comme de petites choses, sont souvent ce qui fait que les hommes decident de vous en bien ou en mal." I had long since, when I was at the University, been introduced to Lord Chester; but I had quite forgotten his person, and he the very circumstance.

Il en est peu qui y pensent; leurs bras agissent aussi vigoureusement que l'on veut, leurs tetes se reposent, et ne prennent presque part a rieu"* * "Military men in general do their duty with much courage, but few make it a subject of reflection. With all the bodily activity that can be expected of them, their minds remain at rest, and partake but little of the business they are engaged in."

LA sante de l'ame n'est pas plus assuree que celle du corps; et quoique l'on paraisse eloigne des passions, on n'est pas moins en danger de s'y laisser emporter que de tomber malade quand on se porte bien.* LA ROCHEFOUCAULD.

In descending the steep and intricate path the traveller frequently loses sight of the abbey, until he has actually reached the bottom; then emerging from the wood, the following inscription is seen carved on a wooden cross: C'est ici que la mort et que la vérité Elèvent leurs flambeaux terribles; C'est de cette demeure, au monde inaccessible, Que l'on passe

Je connais l'atelier de Marquet, Madame, en marge de l'Atelier l'on esthétise, l'on fabrique les manifestes et les novateurs de génie. Marquet garde son rôle de peintre. Il n'est guère pour lui de souci plus sérieux que le souci de sa liberté.

The following is the song itself, in the words of Marot. When the Huguenots sang it, each soldier became a lion in courage. "Que Dieu se montre seulement Et l'on verra dans un moment Abandonner la place; Le camp des ennemies épars, Épouvanté de toutes parts, Fuira devant sa face.