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Will you mix up the cakes, Miss Polly, while I sees to the kidneys, and to the bacon and eggs, and the scrambled eggs, and the kippers. My word, but there'll be a power more sent up than can be eaten. But whatever goes wrong we should have the cakes in the oven, Miss Polly."

"Certingly," said Mrs. Brandon, looking at Maggie with a curious confidential smile a hateful smile, but there was no time to think about it. Maggie went out. She found Cowley Street without any difficulty. Dr. Abrams was up and having his breakfast. His close, musty room smelt of whisky and kippers.

Will you go to the village and buy something for me?" "I don't mind. What shall I get?" "Half a pound of biscuits and something to fry." "Bacon?" suggested her swain laconically. "N-n-no. We had bacon for breakfast." "Kippers or ham?" "I don't think kippers; but really it must be anything you can get. Here's the money. If there's any change, take it out in sweets." "Right you are!

"I'd set my heart on a ride, and I can't get on with my fancy work till I can go to Balderton for some more silks." "And I want some wool," proclaimed Lilias, stopping from a rather unnecessary onslaught of poking at the fire. "There's never anything fit to buy at this wretched little shop in the village!" "Except bacon and kippers!" grinned Roland. "I can't knit with kippers!"

High Jinks, I want the most enormous breakfast you've ever cooked. Got any kippers? Good girl. That's the stuff to give the troops. Where's the Mistress? Not down yet? I'll go up. Low Jinks Low Jinks, I'm dashed if you aren't crying! Well, it is jolly nice to see you again, Low. How's the old bike? Look here, Low, I want the most boiling bath " He broke off. "Hullo, Mabel! Hullo!

The child promised she'd try, and went to bed thoughtful. Next morning, for breakfast, a dish of kippers and a dish of kidneys were placed on the table, side by side. Now the child loved kippers with an affection that amounted almost to passion, while she loathed kidneys worse than powders. It was the one subject on which she did know her own mind.

We don't flatter ourselves that you'd be likely to select us for acquaintances if you were able to choose at this time; and you mightn't be pleased with our ways at home. We have kippers for breakfast sometimes, and always cold supper Sunday nights." I assured them passionately that if Providence had made them both expressly for my taste, we couldn't be better suited to each other.

"No, thank you, ma," said the small heroine, stifling a sob, and speaking in a dry, tremulous voice, "I'll have a kidney." "But I thought you couldn't bear kidneys," exclaimed her mother, surprised. "No, ma, I don't like 'em much." "And you're so fond of kippers!" "Yes, ma." "Well, then, why on earth don't you have one?"

A piece of bacon, rarely some beef, is sometimes added; while mutton is hardly ever eaten in Holland, unless by very poor people. Fish is too expensive for most of them, except fried kippers or bloaters.

After they had scrutinised the old man's back in silence for a moment and given each other a queer, sly look, they went on energetically piecing together their very complicated dialogue: "Nell, Bert, Lot, Cess, Phil, Pa, he says, I says, she says, I says, I says, I says " "My Bert, Sis, Bill, Grandad, the old man, sugar, Sugar, flour, kippers, greens, Sugar, sugar, sugar."