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When ever he found himself getting the worst of an argument he wouldn't talk any longer. "Poking along, indeed!" the Muley Cow snorted as she watched him sailing toward the woods. "He can't fool me. He said that just to be disagreeable. He was poking fun at me!"

The blinds are drawn, so she cannot be seen, but every one salutes the carriage. "All slaves!" mumbles Brisbille. "Look at yourselves now, just look! All the lot of you, as soon as a rich old woman goes by, there you are, poking your noses into the ground, showing your bald heads, and growing humpbacked." "She does good," protests one of the gathering. "Good?

But that's a most unhealthy spot he has chosen to live in." "Why does he stay there?" I explained about the volcano. "You can have no idea what an obsession it is with him. There isn't a square foot of its steaming, treacherous surface that he hasn't been over, mapping new fissures, poking into old lava-beds, delving into the crater itself on favourable days " "Isn't it dangerous?"

Up in his own room Vane was poking the fire. His face was stern, and with care and deliberation he pulled up the arm chair to the blaze. Then he took the letter out of this pocket, and proceeded to read it through once again. MY DEAR, It's just on midnight, but I feel in the mood for doing what I've been shirking for so long.

At first he sat still, but as the time passed he endeavoured to distract his anxious thoughts by walking round the room looking at the extraordinary collections of objects it contained. He was earnestly scrutinizing a lutestring picture depicting "The Origin of the Dimple" a cupid poking his forefinger into the double chin of a fat languishing female when the door opened and a woman entered.

At this Bert could hold in no longer, and he set up a shout of laughter, which was instantly repressed by Mr. Bobbsey. "Oh, Nan, I'm sorry I laughed," said her twin brother, when he could speak. "But the idea of your poking at a ghost with an umbrella!" "It was more than you tried to do," said Mr. Bobbsey dryly. "That is so." Bert grew red in the face.

"It has gone very dark again, Mr Bowen," remarked the skipper, as the mate, becoming aware of George's presence on deck, joined him. "It is dark, sir," answered the mate, "almost too dark to be poking about here in the Channel without lights."

It was one of these long, slanting, two-mile crossings; so I was a good long time in getting over. I made a safe landing, and clumb up the bank. I couldn't see but a little ways, but I went poking along over rough ground for a quarter of a mile or more, and then I run across a big old-fashioned double log-house before I noticed it.

"Something has happened to Roly-Poly," replied Hal. "Hear him howl?" inquired Mab. "I should say I did!" cried Mr. Porter. "And I guess I know what's the matter to. He's in the trap." "In the trap?" cried Hal in surprise. "What trap?" Mr. Porter did not answer. He ran down to where Daddy Blake was poking among the green vines and bushes, trying to find Roly. "Come on!" exclaimed Hal.

In a play of D'Urfey's, now forgotten, called the 'Western Lass, which part she acted, she transformed her whole being, body, shape, voice, language, look, and features, into almost another animal, with a strong Devonshire dialect, a broad, laughing voice, a poking head, round shoulders, an unconceiving eye, and the most bediz'ning, dowdy dress that ever cover'd the untrain'd limbs of a Joan Trot.