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His blood, as I afterwards learned, was so crossed by Greek, Tsinsar, and Wallachian varieties, that it would have puzzled the united genealogists of Europe to tell his breed; and his language was a mangled subdivision of that dialect which passes for French in the fashionable centres of the Grecaille. Exquisite. "Quangt etes vous venie, Monsieur?" Author. "Il y a huit jours."

La nuit passee you charged me pour deux chandelles when I only had one; hier vous avez charged me avec glace when I had none at all; tout les jours you are coming some fresh game or other on me, mais vous ne pouvez pas play this savon dodge on me twice. Savon is a necessary de la vie to any body but a Frenchman, et je l'aurai hors de cet hotel or make trouble. You hear me. Allons.

Young's Night Thoughts might not be considered a suitable form of poem for parody, but this M. Durosoi, or Du Rosoi, accomplished in his Les Jours d'Ariste , and was sent to the Bastille for his pains.

Deux jours après mon arrivée dans Belgrade j'y vis entrer vingt-cinq hommes armés

Au lieu de la naissance de sainte Jean Baptiste, on montre une roche qui, pendant qu'Hérode persécutoit les innocens, s'ouvrît miraculeusement en deux. Sainte Elisabeth y cacha son fils; aussitôt elle se ferma, et l'enfant y resta, dit-on, deux jours entiers.

But no sooner are you gone than your wife, who never liked me, and most of those who visit at your house, indulge in the most violent attacks upon me. After the Cent Jours they refused to recognise the Bourbons, and were shot by sentence of court-martial at Bordeaux. The following is an extract from this letter: In our dungeon we hear our sentence of death being cried in the streets.

With Mme. de Blot, mistress of the Duke of Orléans, as hostess, the Palais-Royal ranked next to the Temple of the Prince de Conti; it was open only to those who were presented; after that ceremony, all those who were thus introduced could, without invitation, dine there on all days of the Grand Opera. On the petits jours a select twenty gathered, who, when once invited, were so for all time.

We were at school together, and like twins, except for the difference in colouring. Ah, les beaux jours d'enfance, Hilda, my love! And you are quite, quite unchanged since the happy days at Madame Haut Ton's. 'Queen Hildegarde' we used to call her then, Miss Merryweather. Yes, indeed! she was the proudest, the most exclusive girl on Murray Hill.

So says Jean Marteille de Bergerac, a galley-slave about 1701, quoted by Adm. Jurien de la Gravière, Derniers Jours de la Marine

It is always the same old story year after year; the same eager rush to Paris from the provinces; the same, not to say a growing, number of beardless, ambitious boys, who advance, head erect, and the heart that Princess Tourandocte of the Mille et un Jours each one of them fain to be her Prince Calaf. But never a one of them reads the riddle.