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His agitation still held him, and without a pause he immediately burst out: "Which of ye jintlemen will be Misther Hewitt, sor?" "This is Mr. Hewitt," I said. "Do you want him?" "It's protecshin I want, sor protecshin! I spake to the polis, an' they laff at me, begob. Foive days have I lived in London, an' 'tis nothin' but battle, murdher, an' suddhen death for me here all day an' ivery day!

"`God save Ireland! says she, addressing Terence. `Be yez the docther jintlemen from the hospital, avic? "`Faix, we're that, says my companion; `the pair of us! "`Thin come along, says she. `Mistress Flannagan is dyin' to say you, sure. The soight of yez is good for sore eyes! "`Begorrah! says Terence, `I wouldn't have come at all at all if she hadn't been dyin', the poor crayture!

"'That's enough, sir,'says Jack, 'I can't mistake him in that dress, so I'll be ready; but, jintlemen, if it would be plasing to you both I'd every bit as soon not go home with these, and he handled the brave pair of ears he had got, as he spoke. 'The truth is, jintlemen, I'm deluding enough without them; and as I'm so modest, you persave, why if you'd take them away, you'd oblige me!

"And now to th' application of the Therey: If the poison can reduce the tin minutes' interval to five minutes, this pashint will die; and if I can get the tin minutes up t' half hour, this pashint will live. Any way, jintlemen, we won't detain y' unreasonably: the case shall be at an end by one o'clock." On hearing this considerate stipulation, up went three women's aprons to their eyes.

"Arrah, ladies and jintlemen, do jist turn your swate little eyes upon me whilst I play for your iddifications the last illigant tune which my owld grandmother taught me. Och hone!

"Whurrah! my boys!" he cried, "Shure we'll all be jintlemen!" "Pull away, my lads!" said the captain. Then turning to me, "Well, Mrs. Moodie, I hope that you have had enough of Grosse Isle. But could you have witnessed the scenes that I did this morning "

"And the last time you had a word or two y' infairnal quibbler was it just before your last spasm, eh?" "Well, it might; I am not gainsaying that: but you said quarrel, says you. 'Quarrel' it were your word; and I defy all Barkton, gentle and simple, to say as how me and my master " "Whisht! whisht! Now, jintlemen, ye see what the great coming sceince the sceince of Healing has to contind with.

He says, 'What was the cause?" "Ay, the cause. Just obsairve, jintlemen," said Sampson, addressing imaginary students, "how startled they all are if a docker deviates from profissional habits into sceince, and takes the right eend of the stick for once b' asking for the cause." "The cause was the will of God, I do suppose," said Mrs. Maxley. "Stuff!" shouted Sampson angrily.

"Arrah, ladies and jintlemen, do jist turn your swate little eyes upon me whilst I play for your iddifications the last illigant tune which my owld grandmother taught me. Och hone!

The Doctor hurled himself on the foe. "Come," said he, "smell to this, lad! That's right! He is better already, jintlemen, or he couldn't howl, ye know. Deevil a howl in um before I gave um puff chlorofm. Ah! would ye? would ye?" "Oh! oh! oh! oh! ugh! ah!" The Doctor got off the insensible body, and resumed his lecture calmly, like one who has disposed of some childish interruption.