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Why then I won't go to the fair because better keep myself to myself, out of the way of meeting them that mightn't be too plasing to my father. Phil. And might be too plasing to somebody else Honor McBride. Honor. Oh, Phil, dear! But only promise me, brother, dearest, if you would this day meet any of the Rooneys Phil. That means Randal Rooney. Honor. No, it was his mother Catty was in my head.

I'm awk'ard and strange, ma'am I never was from home afore. Mrs. Carv. Poor girl we shall agree very well, I hope. Honor. Oh yes, any thing at all, ma'am; I'm not greedy nor needy, thanks above! but it's what I'd wish to be under your protection if it was plasing, and I'll do my very best, madam. Mrs. Carv.

"'That's enough, sir,'says Jack, 'I can't mistake him in that dress, so I'll be ready; but, jintlemen, if it would be plasing to you both I'd every bit as soon not go home with these, and he handled the brave pair of ears he had got, as he spoke. 'The truth is, jintlemen, I'm deluding enough without them; and as I'm so modest, you persave, why if you'd take them away, you'd oblige me!

Well, now, I've been and learned what ye wanted so much; and first cooms the praste and makes a big fuss, and then you, mother, spake as if I had thried to anger in the room o' plasing ye. I'm sure I've thried to plase you all I could." "So ye have, mavourneen; so ye have," said Biddy, her voice softening as she turned to look at the chicken and other things that Annorah had brought.

"It pleased Providence to bring us through many hair-breadth escapes, with our craniums uncracked; and when we considher that he, on taking a retrogradation of his past life, can indulge in the plasing recollection of having broken two skulls in his fighting days, and myself one, without either of us getting a fracture in return, I think we have both rason to be thankful.

The rabbits, sitting quietly at the entrance of their holes, seemed to consider themselves as proprietors of the soil, and me and my horse as intruders. The boy apologized for the number of rabbit-holes on this part of the estate: "It would not be so, my lard, if I had a gun allowed me by the gamekeeper, which he would give me if he knew it would be plasing to your honour."

"I see that you are alive still, I think." "It's not his fault if I am, plase your honour, for he left me for dead, and I am as good as dead still: if it be plasing to your honour to examine my head, you'll be sinsible I'm telling nothing but the truth.

Constable! take charge of this cursing and cursed woman, who has not respect for man or magistrate. Away with her out of my presence! I commit her for a contempt. When she is in her rason, she has the greatest respect for the whole bench, and your honour above all. Oh! your honour, be plasing this once!

"But if it was plasing to His will to remove him from us, would you ever forgive yourself not lettin' him have a christenin' like another child?" rejoined the persevering mother. "The priest," replied the good man, "will do as much for the poor child as the rich; there's but one sacrament for both; anything else is waste, as I said, an' I won't give in to it.

He's a good son to me; and in regard to a wife, one girl will do him as well as another, if he has any sinse and I'll find him a girl that will plase him, I'll engage. Pat. May be so, ma'am no fear: only boys do like to be plasing themselves, by times and I noticed something. Catty. What did you notice? till me, Pat, dear, quick. Pat.