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She would show, too, some stores of raillery, of "malice," and would vex, tease, pique me sometimes about what she called my "bizarreries anglaises," my "caprices insulaires," with a wild and witty wickedness that made a perfect white demon of her while it lasted.

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate" "ces vils Insulaires" "de peuple marchand, boutiquier" "ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. The efforts of the English patriots overtly tend to the consolidation of the French republic, while the demagogues of France are yet more strenuous for the abolition of monarchy in England.

The Houses of Lords and Commons resound with panegyrics on France; the Convention with "delenda est Carthate" "ces vils Insulaires" "de peuple marchand, boutiquier" "ces laches Anglois" &c. &c. The efforts of the English patriots overtly tend to the consolidation of the French republic, while the demagogues of France are yet more strenuous for the abolition of monarchy in England.

"Ces Insulaires voudraient bien que les Hurons ne vinssent point aux Francois & que les Francois n'allassent point aux Hurons, afin d'emporter eux seuls tout le trafic," etc. This "Nation de l'Isle" has been erroneously located at Montreal. Its true position is indicated on the map of Du Creux, and on an ancient MS. map in the Depot des Cartes, of which a fac-simile is before me.