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But there was another period in the Great War in which the grouping of our fighting escadrilles and their employment in offensive movements gave us triumphant superiority in the aërial struggle, and this was the battle of the Somme, particularly during its first three months a splendid and heroic time when our airmen sprang up in the sky, spreading panic and fear, like the knights-errant of La Légende des siècles. Victor Hugo's verses seem to describe them and their vertiginous rounds rather than the too slow horsemen of old: La terre a vu jadis errer des paladins; Ils flamboyaient ainsi que des éclairs soudains, Puis s'évanouissaient, laissant sur les visages La crainte, et la lueur de leurs brusques passages... Les noms de quelques-uns jusqu'

Chez eux, les gens de bien (gens riches, qui ont du bien) portent tons, quand ils sont

The would-be fascinating lady would most certainly be referred to as "une dinde de premiere classe." The French are the only thoroughly logical people in the world, and their excessive development of the logical faculty leads them at times into pitfalls. "Ils ont lesdefauts de leurs qualites."

And thus Talbot ran on into a strain of conversation, half serious, half gay, which lasted till Clarence went upstairs to lie down and muse on Lady Flora Ardenne. La vie eat un sommeil. Les vieillards sont ceux dont le sommeil a ete plus long: ils ne commencent a se reveiller que quand il faut mourir.

For they are a gay people, these Poles, through it all. "Ils sont legers, actifs, insouciants," said Napoleon, that keenest searcher of the human heart, who knew them a hundred years ago when their troubles were comparatively fresh. And it is an odd thing that adversity rarely breaks a man's spirit, but often strengthens it.

'Non, said he simply; 'c'est une eglise ideale. The relievo was his favourite performance, and very justly so. The angels at the door, he owned, he would like to destroy and replace. 'Ils n'ont pas de vie, ils manquent de vie.

'A set of chemists and quill-drivers, he said contemptuously; 'but as Renan remarked to me, there is one thing to be said for a government of that sort, "Ils ne font pas la guerre." And so long as they don't run France into adventures, and a man can keep a roof over his head and a son in his pocket, the men of letters at any rate can rub along.

Néanmoins ils persistèrent dans leur projet; et comme je témoignois le desir de voir Halep, la ville la plus considérable de Syrie après Damas, ils me pressèrent de me joindre

But, as M. Sismondi well remarks, their very ignorance and brutality made them the more easily the tools of the Roman clergy: 'Cette haute veneration pour l'Eglise, et leur severe orthodoxie, d'autant plus facile a conserver que, ne faisant aucune etude, et ne disputant jamais sur la foi, ils ne connaissaient pas meme les questions controversees, leur donnerent dans le clerge de puissants auxiliaires.

Let me tell you that your reputation among your countrymen at Paris depends solely upon their verdict." "And upon your favour," added I. "Ah!" said she, "you must have had your origin in France; you have something about you presque Parisien." "I will tell you," answered Madame D'Anville; "they are brave, honest, generous, mais ils sont demi-barbares."