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He went by way of Emaus, Hanah, and Halep; then crossed the Euphrates, and after passing through Mardin, Moussoul, Singier, Diarbeker, and several other towns, arrived at last at Bussorah.

He went by way of Emaus, Hanah, and Halep; then crossed the Euphrates, and after passing through Mardin, Moussoul, Singier, Diarbeker, and several other towns, arrived at last at Bussorah.

Néanmoins ils persistèrent dans leur projet; et comme je témoignois le desir de voir Halep, la ville la plus considérable de Syrie après Damas, ils me pressèrent de me joindre

Bedreddin kept on the pastry trade at Damascus, whence his uncle Sehemseddin departed three days after his arrival; he went by the way of Emaus, Hanah, and Halep; then crossed the Euphrates; and, after passing through Mardin, Moussoul, Singier, Diarbeker, and several other towns, arrived at last at Balsora; and, immediately after his arrival, desired audience of the sultan, who was no sooner informed of Schemseddin's quality, than he received him very favourably, and asked him the occasion of his journey to Balsora.

Though my curiosity to see Egypt was very pressing, I considered he was my father, submitted to his will, and set out from Moussol with him and my uncles. We travelled through Mesopotamia, passed the Euphrates, and arrived at Halep, where we staid some days. From thence we went to Damascus, the first sight of which was a very agreeable surprise to me.