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For I do know in your heart your onnur do lamentation the loss of all your fine taste, and elegunt ideers, and plans, and alterations; all of a witch have a bin so many years a carryin on and a compassin at Wenbourne Hill. Whereof I umbelly condysend to intreat your noble onnur would a give these thinks a thinkin. For why?

Your stubborn heart is yielding; a little while, and you will own the power of Aphrodite!" "Now, don't you go deceiving yourself with any such ideers," said the hairdresser, irritably. "I shan't do no such thing, so you needn't think it. And, to come to the point, how long do you mean to carry on this little game?" "Game?" repeated the goddess, absently.

Of the scanty number of polite words, which he has endeavoured to catch, he is very bountiful to Sir Arthur. 'That's noble! That's great your noble honour! Well, by my truly, that's an elegunt ideer! But I always said your honour had more nobler and elegunter ideers than any other noble gentleman, knight, lord, or dooke, in every thing of what your honour calls the grand gusto. Pshaw!

He came in as Miss, in tears, was lisning to my account of master's seazure, and hoping that the prisn wasn't a horrid place, with a nasty horrid dunjeon, and a dreadfle jailer, and nasty horrid bread and water. Law bless us! she had borrod her ideers from the novvles she had been reading! "O my lord, my lord," says she, "have you heard this fatal story?" "Dearest Matilda, what?

These three were mates from habit and not necessity, for it was all shallow sinking where they worked. They were poking down pot-holes in the scrub in the vicinity of the racecourse, where the sinking was from ten to fifteen feet. Dave had theories 'ideers' or 'notions' he called them; Jim Bently laid claim to none he ran by sight, not scent, like a kangaroo-dog.

Nature's beaten me there, and I'm not too proud to own it." "Would you rather there was room!" inquired Matilda. "From a puffessional point of view, it would have inspired me," he said. "It would have suggested ideers, and I shouldn't have loved you less, not if you hadn't had a tooth in your mouth nor a hair on your head; you would still be my beautiful Tillie."