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She praised her dinners, delighted in her puddings, must beg Mrs. Irons to allow her to see one of those delicious puddings made, and to write the receipt for her, that Mrs. Mackenzie might use it when she was away. It was Mrs. Irons' belief that Mrs. Mackenzie never intended to go away. She had no ideer of ladies, as were ladies, coming into her kitchen.

But 'ow about the Tour of the Waterin' Places of England, Grubb? Singing! Young men of family doing it for a lark? You ain't got a bad voice, you know, and mine's all right. I never see a chap singing on the beach yet that I couldn't 'ave sung into a cocked hat. And we both know how to put on the toff a bit. Eh? Well, that's my ideer. Me and you, Grubb, with a refined song and a breakdown.

My train came along." "Jolly good ideer," said my uncle. He looked at me. "That really is an ideer, George," he said. "Take shavin's, again! You know that poem of Longfellow's, sir, that sounds exactly like the first declension. What is it? 'Marr's a maker, men say!" My uncle nodded and gurgled some quotation that died away. "Jolly good poem, George," he said in an aside to me.

"I didn't say nothing certain to Mrs Leigh," she remarked at length, "but I did mention as how we'd never had any thought of Lilac taking service, no more nor Agnetta or Bella." "Lor', Ma!" said Bella, "the ideer!" "All the same," said the farmer, "when we first took Lilac we said we'd keep her till she was old enough for a place.

"As for Squallop Hill, its not to be emadgind that I was going to give 5000 lb. for a bleak mounting like that, unless I had some ideer in vew. Ham I not a Director of the Grand Diddlesex? Don't Squallop lie amediately betwigst Old Bone House, Single Gloster, and Scrag End, through which cities our line passes? I will have 400,000 lb. for that mounting, or my name is not Jeames.

I know him; he's harmless enough. And now, mum, to come to the point; you've now had the opportunity of forming some ideer of my calling. You've thought better of it, haven't you?" "Better! ay, far better!" she cried, in a voice that thrilled with pride. "Leander, too modestly you have rated yourself, for surely you are great amongst the sons of men." "Me!" he gasped, utterly overcome.

And the money which you have paid us so handsome, Colonel, he shall have it; which it was the excellent ideer of Miss Cann; and my lord have ordered a pictur of John James in the most libral manner, and have asked my son to dinner, sir, at his lordship's own table, which I have faithfully served him five-and-thirty years."

"It's only an ideer," said Bert. "You made the girls laugh yestiday, that song you sang." "Seems a long time ago now," said Grubb. "And old Edna nearly cried over that bit of mine." "She got a fly in her eye," said Grubb; "I saw it. But what's this got to do with your plan?" "No end," said Bert. "'Ow?" "Don't you see?" "Not singing in the streets?" "Streets! No fear!

These silly creatures prate about love and a cottage, and despise advantages which wiser heads than theirs know how to estimate. "'Do you mean that she aint fassanated by me? says I, bursting out at this outrayjus ideer. "'She WILL be, my dear sir.

Regarding the premium for the Frigat It is to be regretted that the memorey of so herioic an Interprise should be mixed with the painful ideer that blood as been shed in Accomplishment, and we hope that your Lordship and the Gallant Officers and Seamen may be enabbled to give new days of Glorry to the cause of indispendence. Ship's Company, O'Higgins.