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While out of his sight she had slipped one of the hyoscine tablets into her palm; now, as she poured the ink-black beverage, she let it drop into the tin can which she presented to Norton. "Don't say it doesn't taste right!" she admonished him in a voice in which at last he detected the nervous note. He stood up, holding his coffee-can in his hand, meeting her strained levity with a deep gravity.

F., having a formula according to them of C H NO . They have also studied the splitting up of the alkaloid by means of baryta water, and have obtained an acid which they have named hyoscinic acid, and which melts at about 219 deg. F., and a basic body, hyoscine, C H N. They represent the reaction as follows: C H NO = C H O + C H N.

I asked, properly tamed and no longer disposed to be disputatious. "Hyoscine." "Is it powerful?" "One one-hundredth of a grain of this strength, perhaps less, will render a person unconscious," replied Garrick. "The first symptom is faintness; the pupils of the eyes dilate; speech is lost; vitality seems to be floating away, and the victim lapses into unconsciousness.

Laying aside his own plans for the moment, he went about Stone's business, and had little difficulty in finding the nearby druggist whom Hendricks frequently patronized. "Alvord Hendricks? Sure he trades here," said the dapper young clerk. "He buys mostly shaving-cream and tooth-paste, but here's where he buys it." "Righto! And, say, a month or so ago, he bought some hyoscine "

To prescribe drugs is always quicker than to influence the mind; to cure a morphinist by hyoscine needs less effort than to cure him by suggestion. The first method to bring back the psychophysical equilibrium is of course the one which is also demanded by common-sense, namely, to remove the external sources of the disturbance.

Her quick fingers sought and found the tiny phial with its small white tablets . . . labelled Hyoscine . . . and secreted it in her bosom. She was laying fresh twigs upon the blaze when he came back with the coffee-pot, can of coffee, and a tin cup. She greeted him with another quick smile. He saw that her cheeks were flushed rosily, that there was subdued excitement in her eyes.

According to this view hyoscyamine ought to be the hyoscinate of hyoscine, or at any rate an isomer of this body. It is to be remarked that they compare hyoscinic acid not with tropic acid, of which it possesses the composition, but with atropic acid, C H O . I have worked with the hyoscyamine of both Merck and Trommsdorff, as well as with a product which I obtained from hyoscyamus seeds myself.