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"By the way, Alvord, where do the Merediths stand in the matter of the club election?" "Which of them?" "Either or both. I suppose they're on your side they never seemed to like Sanford much." "My dear Eunice, don't be so narrow-minded. Club men don't vote one way or another because of a personal like or dislike they consider the good of the club the welfare of the organization."

Well, that's all right, then, but you mustn't say you felt a ghost. They're not material, you know." "You're making fun of me, Alvord, but you mustn't. I know more about these things than you do. Why shouldn't I? I've made a study of them I've read lots of books, and been to lots of seances, and lectures oh, I know it was a manifestation of San himself!"

He was the most forceful of the three, and he made you marry him didn't he now?" "Don't talk nonsense. I married Sanford of my own free will " "Yes, and in haste, and repented at leisure. Now, don't be hypocritical, and pretend to grieve for him. His death was shocking fearful but you're really relieved that he is gone. Why not admit it?" "Alvord, stop such talk! I command you! I won't listen!"

"I just got affidavits, dozens of them, showing frauds, and gave them to Senator Alvord. He has a lot of influence among the Democratic senators and is a personal friend of the President. It was a wonderful chance, he saw, to hurt the Republicans, even though there were Democrats implicated. The Indian Commissioner and Levine are both Republicans, you know.

So Terence McGuire learned that Alvord Hendricks bought some hyoscyamine, on a doctor's prescription, about a month ago the same to be used to relieve a serious case of earache. But there was no record of his having bought hyoscyarnus, which was the deadly henbane used in the medicine dropper-nor was there any other record of hyoscyamine against him.

I'm rather keen to know just how he managed, though, for the yarn of Eunice and Aunt Abby is a bit mystifying." "Don't depend too much on the tale of interested spectators. They're the worst possible witnesses! They see only what they wish to see." "Only what Hanlon wished us to see," corrected Eunice, gaily. And then Hanlon, himself, and Alvord Hendricks arrived together.

If not, you don't know what real sufferin' is!" "No, I never had it, that I remember. Perhaps as a child " "Why, Alvord," said Aunt Abby, "you had it fearfully about a month ago. Don't you recollect? You were afraid of mastoiditis." "Oh, that. Well, that was a serious illness. I was thinking of an ordinary earache, when I said I never had one. But I beg of you drop the subject of my ailments!

They didn't tell Phillips, because a planned excursion on the part of these young folks wouldn't have been just right Beacon Hill would not have approved. But when they had bought their seats and met at the stage-yard why, that was a different matter. Besides, Mr. Alvord and Miss Grew were engaged, and Miss Greene was a cousin of Miss Grew there!

Alvord put Johnnie down at her home, for he had insisted on carrying her through the snow, and for the first time kissed her, as he said: "Good-by. You, to-night, have been like one of the angels that brought the tidings of 'peace and good-will." "I'm sorry for him, mamma!" said the little girl, after telling her story, "for he's very lonely, and he's such a queer, nice man.

With a wistful glance at Amy's pure young face, and a sigh so low. that only pitiful Mrs. Leonard heard it, Mr. Alvord also bowed himself out in his quiet way. "Doctor," said Burtis, resolutely, "you have excited my strongest emulation, and I shall never be content until I have brought down an eagle or two."