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Now, give me leave to speak on affairs. I have seen your cousin Enguerrand de Vandemar. Homme de moyens, though joli garcon. He proposed that you should call on me. I said 'no' to the cher petit Enguerrand, a visit from me was due to you. To cut matters short, M. Gandrin has allowed me to look into your papers. I was disposed to serve you from the first; I am still more disposed to serve you now.

[Footnote 32: "Ce vertueux jeune homme paroit dej

My husband attempted to calm my sad forebodings by telling me that there is generally a crisis in the life of a boy before he becomes a man, and he concluded persuasively by saying: "C'est un homme qui va sortir de la." But I felt that his own mind was still full of care.

When the Duchesse d'Aiguillon presented to society her nephew, who later became the Duke of Richelieu, she advised and encouraged him to complete his education and make of himself an honnête homme by association with the elder Mlle. du Vigean and other women; the object of this procedure was to polish his manners, elevate his instincts, and develop ease in deportment toward the ladies.

Ils ont aussi construit autour du château une grande ville, peuplée maintenant par eux et par des Grecs. Elle est sur une montagne près de la Marisce. C'est un bel homme, natif de Bulgarie, et qui a été esclave de son maître; mais comme il a le talent de bien boire, le dit maître lui a donné le gouvernement de Grèce, avec cinquante mille ducats de revenu.

I set about my task in the following manner: The text ran: "Les procedes de cet homme m'outragent et me deseparent, je dois penser a me debarrasser." For this I substituted: "Cet homme a des facons qui m'offensent et me desolent, il faut que je m'en defasse;" and so on throughout the piece. When I had finished I slept for three hours, and then rose and dressed.

My nephew Palmet has it from Vivian Ducie, and he is acquainted with her tolerably intimately, and the story is, she was overtaken in her flight in the night, and the duel followed at eight o'clock in the morning; but her brother insisted on fighting for Captain Beauchamp, and I cannot tell you how but his place in it I can't explain there was a beau jeune homme, and it's quite possible that he should have been the person to stand up against the marquis.

These proverbial maxims and heroic expressions, gleaned from French tragedies or the classic page, were written with the blood which they had drawn from their own veins. In one place is carefully written, "Quand il n'a pu sauver la liberté de Rome, Caton est libre encore et suit mourir en homme."

'Ils degraissent leur homme'. 'A propos' of exercises, I have prepared everything for your reception at Monsieur de la Gueriniere's, and your room, etc., will be ready at your arrival.

Wynnstay, 'to the French priests who came to see us last winter in Paris. They never minded a bit they used to laugh. "Monsieur votre frère, madame, c'est un homme qui a trop lu," they would say to me when I gave them their coffee. Oh, they were such dears, those old priests! Roger said they had great hopes of me. The chatter was welcome, the conversation broke up.