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But one and all understood the threat and waited motionless. Nor did they have to wait long. "Gals," said Buck sternly, "this racket's played out. Ther's been shootin' to-night over the same thing. Wal, ther's going to be more shootin' if it don't quit right here.

"What he said sort of got lost in the way he was saying it. How some of those preachers do hop and skip about!" "I like to hear a preacher who acts like he's fighting bees," said Abe. Sarah nodded. The description fitted the preacher "like his own moccasin," she said. "You menfolks wait outside," she added. "Soon as the gals and I get the dishes done, we'll be out to hear Abe preachify."

Leas'ways, Miss Meadows en de gals got win' un' it, en de nex' time Brer Rabbit paid um a visit Miss Meadows tackled 'im 'bout it, en de gals sot up a monstus gigglement. Brer Rabbit, he sot up des ez cool ez a cowcumber, he did, en let em run on. "Who was Miss Meadows, Uncle Remus?" inquired the little boy. "Don't ax me, honey.

A man cannot approach a maiden with anything sweeter than honey." "Some gals like sugar'd words better; but, let me tell you one thing, STRANger-" "You have eaten bread and salt with me, Whiskey, and both are scarce articles in a wilderness; and you've slept under my roof: is it not almost time to call me something else than stranger?"

Desmond watched the jolly crew as they turned into the Minories, and heard their rollicking chorus: "Ho! when the cargo's shipped, An the anchor's neatly tripped, An' the gals are weepin' bucketfuls o' sorrer, Why, there's the decks to swab, An' we en't a-goin' to sob, S'pose the sharks do make a meal of us tomorrer." At the Goat and Compasses Diggle was awaiting him.

"Oi expected this," he said in a tone of deep bitterness. "Oi were a fool vor to think as you war different to other gals, and that you would give up your own wishes to your feyther's." "Oh, feyther!" Polly cried, "don't speak so to me. Beat me if you like, I deserve to be beaten, but don't speak to me like that.

"When I goes out ter promenade I dress so fine and gay I'm bleeged to take my dog along Ter keep de gals away." Again his laughter rang in peals of sonorous fun. They joined in his laugh. A stable boy climbed the fence and called: "Don't ye want yer hosses, Marse Custis?" He was jealous of Sam's popularity. Custis glanced at Phil. "Sure. Let's ride." "All right, Ned saddle them."

"Put your heart at ease, Master Hutter," he called out; "the gals shall be looked to, as well as the castle. The inimy has got the shore, 'tis no use to deny, but he hasn't got the water. Providence has the charge of all, and no one can say what will come of it; but, if good-will can sarve you and your'n, depend on that much. My exper'ence is small, but my will is good."

"O, Honey, you ought fur to have somebody to nuss you; old Daddy don't know nothin about gals, and Sorrel Top don't know nothin about nussin neither. Now here's the letter I've jest writ, if you feel able fur to read it, Honey, you will see that I am tryin fur to git somebody here fur to take care of you suitable."

Pap's poorly again, and I'm obliged to put the late supper on the table for them thar gals the night shift's done eat and gone. I'll show her whar she's to sleep at, after while. I don't just rightly know whar Pap aimed to have her stay," she concluded hastily, as something boiled over on the stove. Johnnie set her bundle down in the corner of the kitchen.