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To make matters sure he solemnly bound Frau Stern to secrecy. That accomplished, he strode whistling down through the purple twilight to his well-earned fritto at Paoli's. The next day began our wondering what Emma would do. She did, as is known, a thing that her simple Knickerbocker ancestresses would have approved presented Crocker to the St. Michael and left the decision modestly to the men.

They supped on minestra and fritto misto washed down with the red wine of Grotta del Monte, which, their host assured them, was famous through all the country. He could not believe that they had never heard of it in Valedolmo. People sent for it from far off, even from Verona. They finished their supper and the famous wine, but there was still no diligence.

They found a small Italian restaurant, free of local-color hounds and what Carl called "hobohemians," and discovered fritto misto and Chianti and zabaglione a pale-brown custard flavored like honey and served in tall, thin, curving glasses while the fat proprietress, in a red shawl and a large brooch, came to ask them, "Everyt'ing all-aright, eh?"

When the rice takes on a brown color add, slowly, chicken broth as needed, until the rice is thoroughly cooked. Then add a lump of fresh butter about the size of a walnut, and sprinkle liberally with grated Parmesan cheese, seasoning to taste with pepper and salt. This is to be served with chicken or veal. The second recipe was for Fritto Misto, and he wrote it as follows: Fritto Misto

"Fritto Misto" means fried mixture, and the recipe as we finally elucidated it is as follows: Take a lamb chop, a piece of calf brain, one sweetbread, a slice of veal, a fresh mushroom, sliced Italian squash, a piece of asparagus or of cauliflower and dip these into a batter made of an egg well beaten with a little flour.