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The original Farsi is Derafsh-i-Kaviani. The Order of the Lion and the Sun Rex and Dido Dervishes Endurance of Persian horses The Shah's stables The sanctuary of the stable Long distance races A country of horses The gymkhana in Tehran Olive industry near Resht Return journey Grosnoje oil-field Russian railway travelling Improved communication with Tehran.

Alfieri speaks with similar scorn of the tragedies of his predecessors. "Mi cadevano dalle mani per la languidezza, trivialita e prolissita dei modi e dei verso, senza parlare poi della snervatezza dei pensieri. Or perche mai questa nostra divina lingua, si maschia anco, ed energica, e feroce, in bocca di Dante, dovra ella farsi casi sbiadata ed eunuca nel dialogo tragico?"

We went to a cinema to see Bambi which I had seen before in England but this was different; the sound track was in English with French sub-titles and to one side a separate screen about seven feet square carried the dialogue in Farsi.

Among the celebrities of Fars are reckoned Hormuz, "Guebre", who in the time of Omar was taken by Abdulla Ibn Omar and put to death; and Salman Farsi who was one of the illustrious men. His piety is celebrated throughout the world. He sought the truth of religion in all quarters only to find it at Medina with the Prophet. In consequence of this Selman became a true believer.