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I have not mentioned the military element in Bangalore, nor the Gymkhana, nor the Club, for, to my sorrow, I've seen nothing of them! The museum I did see went to it twice; I believe few people stationed here have seen it once! There is a collection of stuffed Indian birds which interested and finally appalled me by its numbers; and models of Indian fish, also very interesting.

The first siege-baby An Irish-American deserter A soldierly grumble Boer cunning and Staff-College strategy An ammunition difficulty The tireless cavalry A white flag incident What the Boer Commandant understood The Natal summer Mere sound and fury Boer Sabbatarianism Naval guns at work "Puffing Billy" of Bulwaan Intrepid Boer gunners The barking of "Pom-Poms" Another reconnaissance "Like scattered bands of Red Indians" A futile endeavour A night alarm Recommended for the V.C. A man of straw in khaki The Boer search-light Shelling of the hospital General White protests The first woman hit General Hunter's bravado "Long Tom" knocked out A gymkhana under fire Faith, Hope, and Charity Flash signals from the south A new Creusot gun.

But thoughts so unsettling were out of place, in the midst of a Gymkhana with the grand climax imminent. So having washed the dust out of his throat he sauntered across to the other tent to snatch a few words with Miss Arden and secure his rose. It had been given to one of the 'kits, who would put it in water and produce it on demand. For the affair of the favours was to be a private affair.

There were dinner parties, and tea parties, and garden parties, and sea parties, and luncheon parties, masculine and feminine, and a horse-show at Bar Harbor, and a gymkhana at North East, and dances at all the Harbors, where Minerva met Terpischore on a friendly footing while Socrates sat out on the veranda with Midas discussing the great automobile question over their cigars.

On a-week-day he only had to deliver his carefully prepared lectures, interview students, read and return essays, take the chair at meetings of college societies, coach one or two "specialists," superintend the games on the college gymkhana ground, interview seekers after truth and perverters of the same, write letters on various matters of college business, visit the hostel, set question papers and correct answers, attend common-room meetings, write articles for the college magazine and papers for the Scientific, Philosophical, Shakespearean, Mathematical, Debating, Literary, Historical, Students', Old Boys', or some other "union" and, if God willed, get a little exercise and private study at his beloved "subject" and invention, before preparing for the morrow.

New as he was to Anglo-Indian life, these glimpses from the outskirts were sufficiently illuminating. Once he was present in the crowd at a big Gymkhana; and more than once he strolled through the Club gardens where social Delhi pursued tennis-balls and shuttle-cocks gravely, as if life hung on the issue; or gaily, with gusts of laughter and chaff, often noisier than need be.

Then, as she grew up, everywhere in her Roman life, among her girl friends, or the handsome youths she remembered riding in the Villa Borghese gymkhana, she began to be aware of passion and sex; she caught the hints of them, as it were of a lightning playing through the web of life, flashing, and then gone illuminating or destroying. Her mind was full of love stories.

The marvel was not that the Indians were able to fight as well as they did in that climate, but that they fought at all. What welcome summer brought from their gleaming black eyes! July or August could not be too hot for them. On a plateau one afternoon I saw them in a gymkhana.

They trickle from madam to Ayah, from Ayah to Ayah, and from Ayah to madam. Thus they ooze from house to house, and we are all saved from judging our neighbours by outward appearances. That scene in the Ladies' Gymkhana comes back and haunts me.

Lance Desmond, with his pointed phrase, had virtually dug him out of his chosen retreat; had written temptingly of the 'last of the polo, of prime pig-sticking at Kapurthala, of the big Gymkhana that was to wind up the season: a rare chance for Roy to exhibit his horsemanship.