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The Staff-College Colonel was no doubt formidable; the Commander-in-Chief, who had hitherto allowed himself to be much talked to on the subject of young Warkworth's claims by several men in high place General M'Gill among them well known in Lady Henry's drawing-room, was perhaps inclining to the new suggestion, which was strongly supported by important people in Egypt; he had one or two recent appointments on his conscience not quite of the highest order, and the Staff-College man, in addition to a fine military record, was virtue, poverty, and industry embodied; was nobody's cousin, and would, altogether, produce a good effect.

In other words, they took all the rough eminences of the outer ranges best adapted for their own tactics, and left the bare, shelterless plains or ridges to us. So far, therefore, Boer cunning has proved itself more than a match for Staff-College strategy, and nothing can restore the balance now but a strong blow struck quickly and surely from our side.

The first siege-baby An Irish-American deserter A soldierly grumble Boer cunning and Staff-College strategy An ammunition difficulty The tireless cavalry A white flag incident What the Boer Commandant understood The Natal summer Mere sound and fury Boer Sabbatarianism Naval guns at work "Puffing Billy" of Bulwaan Intrepid Boer gunners The barking of "Pom-Poms" Another reconnaissance "Like scattered bands of Red Indians" A futile endeavour A night alarm Recommended for the V.C. A man of straw in khaki The Boer search-light Shelling of the hospital General White protests The first woman hit General Hunter's bravado "Long Tom" knocked out A gymkhana under fire Faith, Hope, and Charity Flash signals from the south A new Creusot gun.

And the Staff-College man had a thousand times more claim." Nevertheless, Warkworth felt the general opinion friendly, a little surprised, no doubt, but showing that readiness to believe in the man coming to the front, which belongs much more to the generous than to the calculating side of the English character. Insensibly his mental and moral stature rose.