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This was made possible by the generous help of the late Miss Julia Greenshields, of Toronto, who undertook not only to edit, but also personally to finance any loss on a little magazine to be entitled "Among the Deep-Sea Fishers." This has been maintained ever since, and has been responsible for helping to raise many of the funds to enable us to "carry on."

By way of conclusion let me come back from generalities to particulars, and attempt to kindle interest and stir the imagination by a few words on waifs and strays the curiosities of MS. research. Some few leading instances have been mentioned, but in thinking over the collections I have examined and the documents I have had to copy or edit, others, less immediately showy, occur to my memory.

When I get those confounded books back they shall go into the fire by Jove they shall! 'No, Mark, don't, it would be such a pity, cried Trixie. 'I'm sure they were beautifully written; quite as well as some that get printed. I wish you could write novels and be Lord Chancellor too, Mark. 'Bring out Acts in three volumes, and edit Judicature Rules in fancy covers for railway reading?

That's why I wanted to look at that claim down by the river." "It will keep. Or you could buy it, and hire your crop put in while you're marshal here in town." "And I could edit the paper. Between us we could save the county seat." Rhetta spoke quite seriously, so seriously, indeed, that her father laughed.

Woods to Sir Thomas Phillipps revealed the existence of Hakluyt’s Discourse. Dr. Woods set to work to edit this valuable document, but a fire destroyed most of his materials, and was followed by physical infirmity which forbade literary labour. Dr. Charles Deane’s familiarity with the topics suggested by the matter in hand, and his position as a “Collaborateurof Dr.

Now, what departments will we have? We must make it as much like a real newspaper as we can." "Well, we ought to have an etiquette department, then," said Felicity. "The Family Guide has one." "Of course we'll have one," I said, "and Dan will edit it." "Dan!" exclaimed Felicity, who had fondly expected to be asked to edit it herself.

This tract is the first number of a series of Rare and Original Documents, relating to the first settlement of America by the Spaniards, which Mr. Squier proposes to edit and publish. The undertaking is one of interest to all students of American history, and deserves a generous encouragement from them.

Baruch, for it is known that one of his ideas of public service is to own and edit a great liberal journal, a "Manchester Guardian" of America. But an opportunity to buy a newspaper in New York is an opportunity to invest $3,000,000 or $4,000,000, to lose $500,000 or more for several years thereafter and to become the national figure that Mr. Ochs is, or Mr. Reid is, or Mr.

Yet there is, perhaps, in the fifty plays of the ten volumes only one that can be called a good play, only one which is readable, and that is the Trip to Scarborough, which Sheridan simply adapted, which he did little more than edit, from Vanbrugh's Relapse.

If I go mit, she come mit me ven not, mit some vone else." "I see you're jealous, Peter." "No, no, missus, not jealous, only vorried, ver' vorried. Edit' she's young, but not baby, like Mr. and Missus Gray t'ink. I don't like Mr. Yon Veston, missus, nod ad all and Edit' go out mit him, ev'y chance she get. An' Mr.