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The Court-room was again filled to its utmost capacity. After referring to the difficulty counsel had met, in the prisoner's endeavour to obstruct their conduct of the case, Mr. Greenshields dwelt upon the history of the Indians and half-breeds in the North-West Territories, pointing out their rights to the soil.

This was made possible by the generous help of the late Miss Julia Greenshields, of Toronto, who undertook not only to edit, but also personally to finance any loss on a little magazine to be entitled "Among the Deep-Sea Fishers." This has been maintained ever since, and has been responsible for helping to raise many of the funds to enable us to "carry on."

Greenshields said, that he accused no Government in particular for neglecting the claims of the breeds; but if the authorities had paid attention to the petitions which had been addressed to them, the rebellion would never have occurred. He paid a glowing tribute to the volunteers, who left their private occupations and came from all parts of the Dominion to suppress the outbreak.

King John, Act iv. So. 2. Archibald, second Lord Douglas, who died in 1844. John Greenshields, self-taught sculptor. See Life, vol. ix. p. 281-288. He died at the age of forty in 1835. As You Like It, Act II. Sc. 3. Sir Henry Seton Steuart's work on Planting was reviewed by Scott in the Quarterly. See Misc. Prose Works, vol. xxi. Sir H. Steuart died in March 1836.

Hooke's intrigues were in part betrayed by De Foe's agent, Ker of Kersland, an amusingly impudent knave, and were thwarted by jealousies of Argyll and Hamilton. It was believed that had he landed only with a valet the discontented country would have risen for their native king. Mr Greenshields, an Episcopalian who prayed for Queen Anne, indeed, but had used the liturgy.