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Diane de France, Duchesse d'Angoulême, born in 1538, was the legitimated daughter of Henri II and Philippa Duco, a Piedmontese lady. Her firmness and prudence were conspicuous during the civil wars, and it was through her exertions that the reconciliation was effected between Henri III and Henri IV, when the latter was King of Navarre. She died in 1619.

Here I met the children of the so-called middle class, the very bone and sinew of the Republic; here I was monarch of all I surveyed, and untrammeled by the cramming regulations of the public schools, I pursued the delightful avocation of a true educator. E and duco is the etymology of the word, to lead out, to develop the latent energies of the mind.

His account of the difficulties of his journey, gives a very tender image of pastoral distress: En ipse capellas Protenus aeger ago: hanc etiam vix, Tityre, duco: Hic inter densas corylos modo namque gemellos, Spem gregis, ah! silice in nuda connixa reliquit. Ec. i. 12. And lo! sad partner of the general care. Weary and faint I drive my goats afar!

Observe the use of the neuter plural of the adj. for the subst., of which, especially before a gen., T. is peculiarly fond. Medio rationis. The text is doubtful. The MSS. vacillate between medio ratinois and modo rationis; and the recent editions, for the most part, follow a third but wholly conjectural reading, viz. moderationis. See Freund ad duco. Uti propior. Cf. Freund ad uti. Longe propior.