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Repartee is where I say: 'Ye stole a horse' an' ye say: 'But think iv ye'er wife! In Ar-rchy r-road 'tis called disordherly conduct. They'se another play on where a man r-runs off with a woman that's no betther thin she ought to be. He bates her an' she marries a burglar. Another wan is about a lady that ates dinner with a German. He bites her an' she hits him with a cabbage.

If a gintleman dhrinks till he can't see a hole in a laddher, he's only 'feesh but 'dhrunk' is the word for a poor man. And if a gintleman kicks up a row, he's a 'fine sperited fellow, while a poor man is a 'disordherly vagabone' for the same; and the Justice axes the one to dinner and sends th' other to jail.

'So to th' woodpile with ye! he says; 'f'r ye can't go on cillybratin' th' Foorth iv July without bein' took up f'r disordherly conduct, he says. "An' Aggynaldoo doesn't undherstand it. An' he gathers his Archery Club ar-round him, an' says he: 'Fellow-pathrites, he says, 'we've been betrayed, he says. 'We've been sold out without, he says, 'gettin' th' usual commission, he says.

"Forgive me, Reardon, and listen to what I'm going to tell you." And then the tale was told. When it was done Terence Reardon grunted. "I knew it!" he said. "I knew it! I felt in me bones there was something wrong aboard this ship. An' so ye were not dhrunk an' disordherly at Pernambuco?" "The liars! Did they tell you that? Reardon, it's only the mercy of heaven they didn't murder me.

"Thot's all r-right, Misther Madden. We ar-re wid ye. I am always for law and ordher, Misther Madden, aven whin I am most disordherly," "That ees true, he ees," nodded Deschaillon. "And I always fight on th' wakest side no matther whether it's roight or wrong." "Hogan ees a chevalier, no matter eef he does have to paint," corroborated the Frenchman. "Are all the other boys in with Smith?"

D'ye mind th' calls I made on ye, with th' stamps undher me arms, whin I wurruked in th' post-office? I've thought iv thim whin th' lockstep was goin' in to dinner, an' prayed f'r th' day whin I might see ye again. An' you, Misther Brannigan, who knows about vacant lots, an' you Misther Clancy, th' frind iv th' dhrunk an' disordherly, we're proud to have ye here.

"Jawn, th' la-ads have got th' thrick iv freein' Ireland down to a sinsible basis. In th' ol' days they wint over with dinnymite bumbs in their pockets, an' ayether got their rowlers on thim in Cork an' blew thimsilves up or was arristed in Queenstown f'r disordherly conduct.

A man be th' name iv Sweeney, there are some good Sweeneys, though it's a name I don't like on account iv wan iv thim stealin' me fa-ather's grin'stone, a man be th' name iv Sweeney, a polisman, r-run him in f'r disordherly conduct. They got him out with a pull. Thin he sint f'r lawyers an' f'r his financee's father, an' they settled down to talk business.