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Aujourd'hui j'ai termine mon article juste a temps pour l'impression. Comme notre ane 'Je dors debout'; aujourd'hui je tombais presque de sommeil dans les rues de Londres. "Les travaux sur l'eau-forte sont termines cette fois. A bientot!" "22 RUE DE L'OUEST PARIS. Lundi. "Je suis arrive hier a 5 h. du soir.

The "Substitut" always preserved a rather deferential attitude before the President and M. Ducros, for they belonged to the magistrature assise, whilst he merely formed part of the magistrature debout The French word magistrat is not the equivalent of our magistrate, the French term for which is "Juge de Paix." A magistrat means a Judge or a Public Prosecutor.

Every soldier's right knee touched the floor and remained there while the muskets were held "a presenter." The solemn tones of the gong floated through the cathedral. When they ceased, the sharp order of "debout" rang out and all were on their feet in an instant.

Sus! debout allons voir l'herbelette perleuse, Et votre beau rosier de boutons couronné, Et vos oeillets aimés auxquels aviez donné Hier au soir de l'eau d'une main si soigneuse. Harsoir en vous couchant vous jurâtes vos yeux D'être plus tôt que moi ce matin éveillée: Mais le dormir de l'aube, aux filles gracieux,

The young men of the Chancery sent me up two telegrams: "rien de nouveau," "ministere debout." W. came home late, very tired and much disgusted with politics in general and his party in particular. The cabinet still lived, but merely to give Grevy time to make another. W. had been to the Elysee and had a long conversation with Grevy.

Aussi ce peuple, qui adorait Buonaparte s'irritait, s'insurgeait contre la morgue de Wellington: parfois il lui temoigna sa colere et sa haine par des grognements, par des hurlements de betes fauves; et alors, avec une impassibilite de senateur romain, le moderne Coriolan toisait du regard l'emeute furieuse; il croisait ses bras nerveux sur sa large poitrine, et seul, debout sur son seuil, il attendait, il bravait cette tempete populaire dont les flots venaient mourir a quelques pas de lui: et quand la foule, honteuse de sa rebellion, venait lecher les pieds du maitre, le hautain patricien meprisait l'hommage d'aujourd'hui comme la haine d'hier, et dans les rues de Londres, et devant son palais ducal d'Apsley, il repoussait d'un genre plein de froid dedain l'incommode empressement du peuple enthousiaste.

When the last verse came, she seized the flag and knelt down; the audience shouted, "Debout!" All rose and listened standing to the conclusion, which was followed by mad applause. People seized upon every opportunity of obtruding their patriotism. One evening Le lion amoureux was given.

Saunderson, had indued a pair of jack-boots of large dimensions, and now invited our hero to follow him as he stalked clattering down the ample stair-case, tapping each huge balustrade as he passed with the butt of his massive horse-whip, and humming, with the air of a chasseur of Louis Quatorze, Pour la chasse ordonnee il faut preparer tout. Ho la ho! Vite! vite debout!

This led my husband to write to me sometimes from London, after a hard day's work: "Here is a very short note, but I am like our donkey, je dors debout." The editor of the "Saturday Review" asked Mr. Hamerton to be present at the opening of the Paris Exhibition of 1867, and to write a series of articles on the works of art exhibited; then to proceed to London for a review of the Academy.

This morning I wrote two hours, then out with Tom Purdie, and gave directions about thinning all the plantations above Abbotsford properly so called. Came in at one o'clock and now set to work. Debout, debout, Lyciscas, debout. Finished four leaves. August 2.