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«En sortant de ce passage obscur, on est surpris d'entrer dans une plaine ouverte, riante et couverte de verdure, et de voir couler

And that very moving sentence about the elder son, "And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out and entreated him," becomes in the French Bible, "Mais il se mit en colère, et ne voulut point entrer; et son père étant sorti, le priait d'entrer." No especial nicety of ear is necessary to notice that the first is greatly written, and the second is not.

"Ce qui vous avez mande de l'accommodement des Sauvages allies avec les Irocois n'a pas permis a Sa Majeste d'entrer dans la discution de la maniere de faire l'abandonnement des postes des Francois dans la profondeur des terres, particulierement a Missilimackinac ... En tout cas vous ne devez pas manquer de donner ordre pour ruiner les forts et tous les edifices qui pourront y avoir este faits."

Ayant d'entrer dans le village nous vîmes venir

Elles étoient près l'une des cinq forteresses, la moins forte de toutes. Dans cette forteresse sont beaucoup de Rasciens; mais on ne leur permet point d'entrer dans les quatre autres.

And that very moving sentence about the elder son, "And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out and entreated him," becomes in the French Bible, "Mais il se mit en colère, et ne voulut point entrer; et son père étant sorti, le priait d'entrer." No especial nicety of ear is necessary to notice that the first is greatly written, and the second is not.

Je suis oblige d'entrer dans beaucoup de details pour donner a cette histoire un veritable interet aux yeux du public americain, qui est celui auquel je m'adresse particulierement, le seul qui puisse me fournir beaucoup de lecteurs. La traduction anglaise en un gros volume a du paraitre ou paraitra incessamment a Philadelphie.

Build we a city and there fasten shut close. "Then Tubal Cain, father of men who make of iron, constructed one city enormous superhuman; and while that he labored, his brothers in the plain drove far away the sons of Enos and the children of Seth, and put out the eyes of all who passed that way, and the night came when the walls of covering of tents were not, and in their place were walls of granite, every block immense, fastened with great nails of iron, and the city seemed a city of iron, and the shadow of its towers made night upon the plain, and about the city were walls more high than mountains, and when all was done, they graved upon the door, 'Defense a Dieu d'entrer, and they put the old father Cain in a tower of stone in the midst of this city, and he sat there somber and haggard.

She scattered her amiability about showing Miriam how the children of Molière took their ease and it quickly placed her in the friendliest communication with Peter Sherringham, who already enjoyed her acquaintance and who now extended it to his companions, and in particular to the young lady sur le point d'entrer au théâtre.

Marshall had a friend in this street, and another in that. It was only necessary for him to cry "Stop" to the coachman, and to run up two or three flights of stairs.... "Madame , est-elle chez elle?" "Oui, Monsieur; si Monsieur veut se donner la peine d'entrer." And we were shown into a handsomely-furnished apartment. A lady would enter hurriedly, and an animated discussion was begun.