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They may, like him, begin by singing "Beatus ille" but what will be the end? "Haec ubi locutus foenerator Alphius, Jamjam futurus rusticus Omnem relegit Idibus pecuniam; Quaerit Calendis ponere." They will cultivate the Caisse d'Eglise, under the sacred auspices of this prelate, with much more profit than its vineyards and its corn-fields.

The melodious strain reeked through the doorways, filling the passage. "That is Stradella's 'Chanson d'Église. He always plays it; I'm sick of it." "Yes, but I'm not. Do not let us go far, I should like to listen." "I thought you would have preferred to talk with me." Her manner did not encourage him to repeat his words, and he waited, uncertain what he should say or do.

In French companies in general you will not find much learning, therefore take care not to brandish yours in their faces. People hate those who make them feel their own inferiority. Conceal all your learning carefully, and reserve it for the company of les Gens d'Eglise, or les Gens de Robe; and even then let them rather extort it from you, than find you over-willing to draw it.

But the difficulty was to guess the particular field that I had marked out for my own distinction and the confusion of competitors. Was I in the grocery line, or the oil and colour line? Was I dans les spiritueux or dans les articles d'église?

His studio seemed to him a symbol of his own refinement, and being moved, perhaps, by the silence and the quiet of the north light, he took his violin, and turning from time to time to look on himself on the glass or his picture on the easel, he played Stradella's "Chanson d'Eglise."

Pour se présenter devant celui-ci, Rubruquis et ses deux camarades se revêtirent chacun d'une chape d'église. L'un d'eux portoit une croix et un missel, l'autre un encensoir, lui une bible et un psautier et il s'avance ainsi entre eux deux en chantant des cantiques.

"Will you sing Stradella's 'Chanson d'Eglise' or will you sing Schubert's 'Ave Maria'? Nothing is more beautiful than that." "I will sing the 'Ave Maria." The nun sat down to play it, but she had not played many bars when Evelyn interrupted her. "The intention of the single note, dear Sister, the octave you are striking now, has always seemed to me like a distant bell heard in the evening.

She sang Stradella's Chanson D'Eglise, and Lucy could hardly speak when we came out of church.

They may, like him, begin by singing, "Beatus ille" but what will be the end? Hæc ubi locutus fœnerator Alphius, Jam jam futurus rusticus, Omnem relegit Idibus pecuniam, Quærit Calendis ponere. They will cultivate the Caisse d'Église, under the sacred auspices of this prelate, with much more profit than its vineyards and its corn-fields.

So, despite Liszt's superior refinement, and putting aside exceptional achievements, in this branch of art Gounod was the victor. As there is an odor di femina there is a parfum d'église, well known to Catholics. Gounod's oratorios are impregnated with this, while it is found in Christus very, very feebly, if at all. The Missa Solemnis must be examined to find it to any extent in Liszt's work.