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He left me an hour or so later, to make his way back to Casi, having heard enough of my past and having judged sufficiently of my attitude of mind to approve me in my determination to do penance and seek peace in that isolation. Before going he bade me seek him out at Casi at any time should any doubts assail me, or should I find that the burden I had taken up was too heavy for my shoulders.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡De media hora! DON EDUARDO. Nos sobra aún tiempo, porque ni usted necesita más de diez minutos para prepararse, ni yo más de veinte para dar mis últimas órdenes, volver a esta calle, aprovechar el primer momento en que no pase gente, avisar a usted de ello con tres palmadas, recibirla cuando baje y conducirla en dos brincos a la iglesia, cuya puerta, por fortuna, tenemos casi enfrente de esa reja.

"Casi," he said hoarsely. "To your right, you will see the path down the hill-side. You cannot miss it. In half an hour you should be there. And return at once, for I have not long. I feel it." With a last word of reassurance and comfort I closed the door, and plunged away into the darkness.

En la cumbre del secundo cerrito se fundó el quinto pueblo llamado Xipaolabi, que tendrá solo 14 familias: está casi arruinado, porque sus vecinos se han trasladado al brazo austral de la mesa y formaron el sexto pueblo llamado: Xongopabi Xongopabi goza mejor situacion que todos los demas, tienen tres quarteles mui bien dispuestos y en ellas unas 60 familias.

So I resolved that when I should have spent a year in that fastness I would send word to the priest at Casi by some of those who visited my hermitage, and desire him to come to me that I might seek absolution at his hands.