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Then he drew himself up and, with a splendid wave of his gigantic hand, added: "Und now go and blay wiz Adalbert blay wiz him always!" Pollyooly came away from the presence of the grand duke in something of a daze. She came down the steps in the sea-wall quite unconscious of the fact that she was not moving over level ground.

The prince entered it with the air of an uninvited guest, very doubtful of his welcome, and said to Pollyooly in a tone half assertive, half beseeching: "I've coom to blay." Pollyooly looked at him with very stern eyes and said: "Well, you quite understand you've got to behave yourself." The baron groaned. Pollyooly turned to him and said with polite interest: "Has he kicked you again?"

All these works owed a royalty to Ahin Blay; but his dues were irregularly paid, and consequently he preferred to them a fixed rental of 100l. per annum.

Cadging for chow, does one acquire merit?" retorted Heywood, over his shoulder. "You talk like a bonze, Wutz." He winked. "I'd rather hear the sing-song box." "Ach so, I forget!" Still whimpering, Wutzler dragged something from a corner, squatted, and jerked at a crank, with a noise of ratchets. "She blay not so moch now," he snuffled.

Ahin Blay dismounted with ceremony, and was as ceremoniously received. His features are those of the Fanti, somewhat darker than usual, and his expression is kindly and intelligent: though barely fifty-five his head is frosty and his goatee is snowy. The visit was a state affair, a copy in small of Ashanti and Dahome.

I am a boet, and a creat boet; but I haf no lankwage. My Vrench is Cherman, and my Cherman is Vrench, ant my Enklish is Alsatian. My normal demperadure is fever heat. I am a toctor; I am a zoldier. I haf peen a creat agdor in garagder bards Alsatian garagder bards in Vrance and in Chermany. I can write a blay, ant I can stage id, ant I can baint the scenery for id.

Dis is der last dime I take you to der blay, you see." "I don't ca-are; I'm sleepy." At length, to their great relief, he went to sleep, his head against his mother's arm. The kinetoscope fairly took their breaths away. "What will they do next?" observed Trina, in amazement. "Ain't that wonderful, Mac?" McTeague was awe-struck.

We breakfasted in his house, but all the doors were bolted and locked, and his people would hardly serve us with drinking water. We attempted in vain to buy the boma, or fetish-drum, a venerable piece of furniture hung round with human crania, of which only the roofs remained. King Blay, however, eventually sent us home a boma, and it was duly exhibited in town.

"Bud zere's no one else for you do blay wiz," said the baron in English. "I want to blay wiz childrens," said the pupil. The baron drew his heels together and became, though still pear-like, splendidly rigid. His eyes flashed with haughty, but a trifle vicarious pride, as he said: "Zere are no children for your 'ighness do blay wiz 'ere. Zese are nod 'igh and well-born ones."

It chanced that it had decided to play rounders, and was gathered into an excited knot in which everybody was discussing, all at the same time, the process of picking sides. The prince, shouldering aside, with proud Hohenzollern manliness, two or three little girls, thrust into the centre of the group and said: "I want do blay."