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It widened suddenly before him. In the small chamber of the mine, choked with the smell of stale betel, he bumped Heywood's elbow. "Some Fragrant Ones have been working here, I should say." The speaker patted the ground with quick palms, groping. "Phew! They've worked like steam. This explains old Wutz, and his broken arrow. I say, Rudie, feel about. I saw a coil of fuse lying somewhere.

The man became, once more, as keen as a gossip. "What cannon? When dey shoot him off?" "Can't tell," said his friend. "That's to be their signal." "I do not know," The conical hat wagged sagely. "I go find out." He pointed across the moonlit spaces. "Ofer dere iss your house. You can no more. Schlafen Sie wohl." The two men wrung each other's hands. "Shan't forget this, Wutz."

"Ma Tonkikí, ma Tonkikí, ma Tonkinoise, Yen a d'autr's qui m' font les doux yeux, Mais c'est ell' que j'aim' le mieux!" The new recruit joined them, awkwardly. "Wutzler was missing last night," said Heywood, lazily. He had finished breakfast, and lighted a short, fat, glossy pipe. "Just occurred to me. We must have a look in on him. Poor old Wutz, he's getting worse and worse.

But iss Rome yet a fortify town?" Chantel rapped out a Parisian oath. "Do we play cards," he cried sourly, "or listen to the chatter of senility?" Heywood held to the previous question. "No, Wutz, that town's no longer fortified," he answered slowly. "Geese live there, still, as in many other places." Dr.

Cadging for chow, does one acquire merit?" retorted Heywood, over his shoulder. "You talk like a bonze, Wutz." He winked. "I'd rather hear the sing-song box." "Ach so, I forget!" Still whimpering, Wutzler dragged something from a corner, squatted, and jerked at a crank, with a noise of ratchets. "She blay not so moch now," he snuffled.

Above, on the crest of the field, where a band of men had begun to scramble at the sentinel's halloo, there sat on a white pony the bright-robed figure of the tall fanatic, Fang the Sword-Pen. "He did it!" Heywood's hands opened and shut rapidly, like things out of control. "Oh, Wutz, how did they Saint Somebody the martyrdom Poussin's picture in the Vatican. I can't stand this, you chaps!"