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'By your leave, master, baint you summat in the wrong box here, don't you think? He had planted himself directly in his front, and looked unmistakably menacing. 'May I speak to him? Will you excuse me? said the Captain blandly. 'Ow ay, they'll excuse ye ready enough, I dessay; you're to deal wi' me though. Baint ye in the wrong box now?

"Quite impossible, sir; there baint anything like it on earth, and if hell is at all like it then I have been there. It's dead; just dead dead dead! And the smell awful." "Is Fritz strafing there much?" "Yes, sir, he's at it all day: there's not room for a cat to hide in, so why Fritz is dropping his souvenirs there heaven knows; I don't."

"Thee baint to be frighted by one man, be'est 'ee? What! five hundred Staffordshire miners afeard o' one? Why, ye'll be the laughing-stock of the country! Now, lads, break in the door; we'll soon see who be yon chap that talks so big."

'E was a reg'ler devil, 'e was; and they do zay as 'ow 'e be about 'ere even now, although 'e baint been 'eard of for zum taime. And more; they zay that zumwheres near this vury plaace 'o 'as buried tons of goold and silver, precious stones, and all kinds of vallybles; but 'ow far that be true I doen't knaw.

'Drat me, if she baint a-going to fight me! he chuckled humorously. 'Come, Maud, you would not be ill-natured, sure? Arter all, it's only our duty. Governor bid us kiss, didn't he? 'Don't don't, sir. Stand back, or I'll call the servants. And as it was I began to scream for Milly. 'There's how it is wi' all they cattle! You never knows your own mind ye don't, he said, surlily.

'I've worked a good bit in my time, gentlemen, and I baint done yet': SEE PROFESSOR SUMMIT'S 'MEN WHO HAVE COME TO FORTUNE. There is, we perceive at a glance, a contrast in the bowed master of the Mansion applying to his menials for a day's work at the rate of pay to able-bodied men: which he is not, but the deception is not disingenuous.

"Goin' away, Passon, are ye?" he said in quavering accents of surprise "Ain't that a bit strange like?" "Why yes, I suppose it is," said John, half laughing "I never do go away I know but " "Look 'ere Passon! Speak frank an' fair! there baint nothin' drivin' ye away, be there?" The hot colour sprang to Walden's brows. "Why no, Josey! of course not! How can you think of such a thing?"

'If ye bid me go I'd a'most go, but I could na quite; there's nout on earth I would na do for you, Maud, excep' leaving you. 'And that, I said, with a petulant flush, 'is the only thing on earth I would ask you to do. 'Blessed if you baint a blushin', Maud, he drawled, with an odious grin. His stupidity was proof against everything.

I gets my ten shillings a week all the year round, and harvesting, and a pig, and a 'lotment and that's just why I come here. If I can get it, why can't you?" "Cause our masters baint like yourn." "No, by George, there baint no money round here like that, I can tell you." "And why ain't they?" continued the speaker. "There's the shame on it.

"Him baint been London ways vor uppard of vivdeen year, tu my zurtain knowledge," said the old road-mender, jerking his empty pewter upwards in the direction of the terrace, where Sir Timothy's solid dark form could be discerned pacing up and down before his white house. "Tis vur a ligacy. You may depend on't. 'Twas vur a ligacy last time," said a brawny ploughman.