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"Us may tich of her now, I rackon," said Betty in her most jealous way; "Annie, tak her by the head, and I'll tak her by the toesen. No taime to stand here like girt gawks. Don'ee tak on zo, missus. Ther be vainer vish in the zea Lor, but, her be a booty!"

'Plaise your worship' John called me so, ever since I returned from London, firmly believing that the King had made me a magistrate at least; though I was to keep it secret 'us zeed as how your worship were took with thinkin' of King's business, in the middle of the whate-rigg: and so uz zed, "Latt un coom to his zell, us had better zave taime, by takking our dinner"; and here us be, praise your worship, and hopps no offence with thick iron spoon full of vried taties.

When she had finished she pushed the tin plate from her, and looked at the half-breed, who had seated himself a yard or so away from her. "Who are you?" she asked. "Ah not tell you dat!" said the man with a grin. "Then tell me what are you going to do with me?" "You fin' dat out for yourself in a vaire leetle taime," was the answer. "Then where are you taking me?"

Never maind: there's a plenty o' taime betwix' this an' Plymouth." "No, thanks." "Tut-tut, now " He insisted, and the packet, on the white paper wrapper of which spots of grease were spreading, changed hands. The little man peered wistfully up into his son's face: his own eyes were full of love, but seemed to search for something. "How dost laike it, up to Hexeter: an' how't get along?"

I myzell been o' that zort one taime every bit so well as you be. And Betty held the lanthorn up, and defied me to deny it; and the light through the horn showed a gleam in her eyes, such as I had never seer there before. 'No odds, no odds about that, she continued; 'mak a fool of myzell to spake of it. Arl gone into churchyard. But it be a lucky foolery for thee, my boy, I can tull 'ee.

The can had a small hole pierced in the bottom, and the boy was laying the dust When the can had yielded its last drop he took up a big broom and swept the place rapidly, keeping up his shrill whistle meanwhile. 'Isn't it time somebody was here? Paul asked at length. 'Manday's a saint's day, said the boy. 'You a-comin' to work 'ere? he asked. Paul nodded. 'You'll know better next taime.

"Yes," they heard him say, "this arn't by no means the furst taime I was in thaise seas. Good-even to ye, Mr Trevose and Mr Edgwyth! No; I tall 'ee I was 'ere in the zummer of 1582, just after the taime that that there bloody pirate, Jose Leirya, was sailing of these vury seas. 'E was a fiend in 'uman shape, if there ever was one; nobody was zafe in anny of the ships 'e tuk.

'Us may tich of her now, I rackon, said Betty in her most jealous way; 'Annie, tak her by the head, and I'll tak her by the toesen. No taime to stand here like girt gawks. Don'ee tak on zo, missus. Ther be vainer vish in the zea Lor, but, her be a booty!

'Won't us have 'un this taime just, saith Tim Potter, as keepeth the bull there; 'and yet I be zorry for 'un. But a man must kape the law, her must; zo be her can only learn it. And now poor Tom will swing as high as the tops of they girt hashes there. "'Just thee kitch 'un virst, says I; 'maisure rope, wi' the body to maisure by.

"Chraist's will be done; I zim thee had better faight, Jan," he answered, in a whisper, through the gridiron of the gate; "there be a dale of faighting avore thee. Best wai to begin gude taime laike. Wull the geatman latt me in, to zee as thee hast vair plai, lad?" He looked doubtfully down at the colour of his cowskin boots, and the mire upon the horses, for the sloughs were exceedingly mucky.