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He dropped behind the boy for a moment and beckoned him. "Well, Gustav?" said he impatiently. "Ah, mon ami," said the Frenchman, putting a little bunch of early violets into the tutor's hands, "vill you give 'im zese from me? 'Tis all I can send. But he will love zem for the sake of me and ze little Francoise. Adieu, adieu, mon cher ami."

Yet anozer outrage!” cried the Baron. “Zese anarchists, zey are too scandalous. At all ze stations zere are detectives, and all ze ships are being vatched. Ach, it is terrible!” Mr Bunker seemed struck with an idea, for he stared at the ceiling without making any reply, and his eyes, had the Baron seen them, twinkled curiously. At last the Baron laid down his paper.

"Do nod indervere, Englanderin!" bellowed the baroness; and her crimson was enriched with streaks of purple. "I am in ze charge of 'er royal highness; and I zay zat she does not wiz zese children blay." The fine gray eyes of the princess were burning with a somber glow.

The Frenchman stopped and glared at Merry. "Cursed Yankee!" he grated. "I would like to put one of zese gude blades t'rough your heart!" "Haven't a doubt of it," said Merriwell, coolly. "That's about the kind of a man I took you to be." Another boat got away, and the last boat was swung from the davits. A sailor counted the men who remained and spoke to the captain.

Zese citoyens goin' to wickwest Jean Poquelin to give to the Ursuline' two hondred fifty dolla'" " quoi!" cried a listener, "Cinq cent piastres, oui!" "Oui!" said Bienvenu, "and if he wiffuse we make him some lit' musique; ta-ra ta!" He hoisted a merry hand and foot, then frowning, added: "Old Poquelin got no bizniz dhink s'much w'isky."

So zese men, zey swear zey will stand by each other, forever zese seventy. You see? Even in poor Alsace and in Lorraine. So zese, ze haf' make from a piece of ze cannon. You see? If once you can get across ze Zherman lines into Alsace, zis will find you friends and shelter. Ah, but you must be careful. You see? You must watch for zis button and when you see zen you can show zis.

Rivalry between the two geniuses inspired the musician to make an offer which he would hardly have granted to royalty itself. "After a time, when zese chatterers are gon-away, I shall play for you. Is zere some one here who can accompany properly?" Necessarily Io sent for Banneker to find out.

She turned away, and began fidgeting with Lucy's workbag. Then a small voice and a preparatory turmoil were heard outside. 'Auntie Dora! Auntie Dora! cried Sandy, rushing in with a hop, skip, and a jump, and flourishing a picture-book, 'look at zese pickers! Dat's a buffalo most es tror nary animal, the buffalo! 'Come here, rascal! called his father, and the child ran up to him.

You go wrong: I hear you: and dese claps of zese noodels send you into squeaks and shrills, and false! false away you go. It is a gallop ze wrong way." Here Mr. Pericles attempted the most horrible reproduction of Emilia's failure. She cried out as if she had been bitten. "What am I to do?" she asked sadly. "Not now," Mr. Pericles answered. "You live in London? at where?" "Must I tell you?"

Brauer called her into his office at ten o'clock. Peter was at his desk, but Susan apparently did not see him. "Will you hurry this bill, Miss Brown?" said Mr. Brauer, in his careful English. "Al-zo, I wished to say how gratifite I am wiz your work, before zese las' weeks, zis monss. You work hardt, and well. I wish all could do so hardt, and so well."