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I think it's rather a lark when they sing out Englanderin. I always want to yell 'Ya!" "Likewise 'Boo! Come on, Mill, we're all waiting." "Well, you know I don't like it, Jimmie." "Why?" "Because it makes me forget I'm in Germany and only remember I've got to go back." "My hat, Mill, you're a queer mixture!" "But, Millie, best child, it's just the very thing that makes you know you're here."

The Berlin man as he passes mutters the word Englanderin as though it were a curse, or says into one's ear they seem fond of saying or rather hissing this, and seem to think it both crushing and funny, "Ros bif," and the women stare at one all over and also say to each other Englanderin. You never told me Germans were rude; or is it only in Berlin that they are, I wonder.

She made English the language of the family life, and never lost her English tastes and sympathies; consequently she was called, always with an accent of reproach, "the Engländerin," and in German writings is represented as having wished to anglicize not only her husband, her children, and her Court, but also her adopted country and its people. A chaplain of the English Church in Berlin, the Rev.

They talk German all the time, which I cannot understand only when they stare at me and say something about 'Engländerin'; after dinner we have music and Herr Krauss and I play duets. His instrument is the violin most of the neighbours are musical, first-rate musicians and so critical; I appreciate that it keeps me up to the mark."

"Ah, but she is delightful, delightful, your little Englanderin," he said gaily to Frau Bornsted, who listened to his badinage with grave and respectful indulgence; and he said a lot more things about England and its products and exports, meaning compliments to me what can he be like after dinner? and went off, jovial to the last, clicking his heels and kissing first Frau Bornsted's hand and then mine, in spite, as he explained, of its being against the rules to kiss the hand of a junges Madchen, but his way was never to take any notice of rules, he said, if they got between him and a charming young lady.

He had already heard of the Engländerin whom the Kommandantur was afraid to touch, and opened his heart to her; even offering to prepare her a little meal in her own salle

"It isn't, my blessed child." "It is, Gertrude our civilisation." "Oh, civilisation." "Englanderin, Englanderin," mocked Bertha. "Englishwooman, very Englishwooman," echoed Elsa Speier. "Well, I am Englanderin," said Millie, blushing crimson. "Would you rather the street-boys called Englanderin after you or they didn't?" "Oh, Jimmie," said Solomon impatiently. "I wasn't asking you, Solomon."

I told the Bornsteds I had met the Koseritzes in Berlin, and they looked at me with a new interest, and Frau Bornsted, who has been very prettily taking me in hand and endeavouring to root out the opinions she takes for granted that I hold, being an Englanderin, came down for a while more nearly to my level, and after having by questioning learned that I had lunched with the Koseritzes, and having endeavoured to extract, also by questioning, what we had had to eat, which I couldn't remember except the whipped cream I spilt on the floor, she remarked, slowly nodding her head, "It must have been very agreeable for you to be with the grafliche Familie."

What do you think of me, an Englanderin, having such a thing? One of your own great men says so, so it must be true." We are studying the Bach Chaconne now. He is showing me a different reading of it, his idea. He is going to play it at the Philarmonie here next week. I wish you could hear him.

"Unsere junge Englanderin," said Frau Bornsted, presenting me. "Schuhlerin von Kloster grosses Talent, " I heard her adding, handing round the bits of information as though it was cake. They all said Ach so, and Wirklich, and somebody asked if I liked Germany, and I said, still not seeing much, "Es ist wundervoll," which provoked a murmur of applause, as the newspapers say.