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"Unsere junge Englanderin," said Frau Bornsted, presenting me. "Schuhlerin von Kloster grosses Talent, " I heard her adding, handing round the bits of information as though it was cake. They all said Ach so, and Wirklich, and somebody asked if I liked Germany, and I said, still not seeing much, "Es ist wundervoll," which provoked a murmur of applause, as the newspapers say.

"No," I snapped. "I don't." And I drummed with my fingers on the windowpane and felt as rebellious as six years old. But of course I'm going to be good. I won't do anything that may delay my getting home to you. The Bornsteds say Koseritz is a very beautiful place, on the very edge of the Haff. They talk with deep respectfulness of the Herr Graf, and the Frau Grafin, and the junge Komtesse.

Three-parts of the way we covered in forty- five minutes, the last two miles took us twenty. When we arrived at the hotel, there stood Madam Esselbach, of war renown, in the doorway, with her hands on her hips, as in her portrait; she summed up the arrivals with shrewd, sharp eyes, and exclaimed: "Das ist ja das junge Daenemark." Inside, officers were sitting, playing cards.

"What?" she cried, "What?" "What? What?" mocked Robin. "Well then, what? Are you all such prudes in Germany? Even you pretending, you little hypocrite?" "Oh," cried Annalise hysterically, pushing him away with both her hands, "what have you done? Elender Junge, what have you done?" "I think you must all be mad," said Robin angrily.

"Ach! tausend Mal um Verzeihung gnadige Frau," her daughter was married to Hofrath von Rathen "ihrer grossen Schonheit wegen" ah, she was so unhappy, for Hofrath von Rathen drank and was cruel to her. Herr von Kas had met her at the artists' fete "Und so wissen Sie zwei so junge, reizende Leute."

Some of Schubert's songs were brought him, probably by Hüttenbrenner. They consisted of Die Junge Nonne, Der Taucher, the Ossian songs, Die Bürgschaft. Schindler states they awakened the master's surprise and delight, eliciting from him the remark, "Truly, Schubert has the divine fire."

This shade of opinion was then quite modern; we recognise it in Alfred Meisener, Ludwig Pfau, and the Vienna group, even in Börne, who died in the forties; the doctrine was part of the spirit of the age, and did not need to be derived from Proudhon. Wilhem Marr, Das junge Deutschland in der Schweiz, p. 135. Leipsic, 1846.

O, der gute, schlichte Junge!" Wilfrid had been working up his German. He stopped rowing, red with vexation. 'That is a malicious invention, he declared. 'Nothing of the kind! The truth of the remark struck me. 'I am obliged to you. 'But, my dear boy, what is there to be offended at?

One may recall here the saying, "Junge Hure, alte Betschwester," only here youth has turned out to be much too short.

And the air about me is full of "Kellner!" and "Zwei Seidel, bitte!" and "Wiener Roastbraten und Stangenspargel mit geschlagener Butter!" and "Zwei Seidel, bitte!" and "Junge Kohlrabi mit gebratenen Sardellenklopsen!" and "Zwei Seidel, bitte!" and "Sahnenfilets mit Schwenkkartoffeln!" and "Zwei Seidel, bitte!" and a thousand schmeckt's guts and a thousand prosits and "Zwei Seidel, bitte!"