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The serious Parisian, then, sees "un autre monsieur;" as it proves anon, there had been a divorce in the history of the lady, but the later widower is not yet aware of this, and explains to himself the presence of "un monsieur" in his own place by that weighty phrase, "Il s'est trompe de defunte."

Une autre coutume encore est que quand un ambassadeur a été présenté au seigneur, celui-ci, jusqu'

"Never mind," interrupted O'Brien, every two or three minutes; "buvons un autre coup pour la gloire!" and thus he continued to make them both drink, until they reeled away to bed, forgetting their printed paper, which O'Brien had some time before slipped away from the table.

Graham has a noble courtesy, an unerring chivalry that makes him range himself on the side of the bottom dog, a detestation of anything like bullying every gift of charity, indeed, except the shy genius of pity. For lack of this last, some of his sketches, such as Un Autre Monsieur, are mere anecdotes and decorations. Possibly, it is as a romantic decorator that Mr.

«Une autre difference que l'on aura pu remarquer, c'est que sur la rive droite, je n'ai point trouvé de petrosilex pur et en grandes masses, comme sur la rive gauche dans les environs de la cascade. Mais cette différence ne me frappe pas non plus beaucoup; parce qu'au lieu de petrosilex, j'ai trouvé sur la rive droite des roches composées en très-grande partie de feldspath. Or je regarde le pétrosilex et le feldspath comme des pierres de la même nature. Leur dureté est

Que dire si l'on voyait dans un autre genre de mechaniques, entreprendre le radoub ou la construction d'un vaisseau de ligne avec la seule theorie, avec les seules resources des Sauvages dans la construction de leurs Pirogues!"

It was in the spirit of this wisdom that, when a great plague raged at Athens, and every means had been in vain attempted for its removal, Epimenides, as Laertius relates, in his second book, of that philosopher, advised the erection of a shrine and temple "to the proper God." Pleurez, pleurez, mes yeux, et fondez vous en eau! La moitie; de ma vie a mis l' autre au tombeau.

Consequently, I am most firmly convinced that the reasons which I brought forward are sound. Nowadays, abuse is the highest form of approbation. There are just two little points on which I wish to touch just now, not in defence, but to explain. I mean that famous £50,000. It has been repeated that I want £50,000. I want them very much indeed, privately, but for the academy c'est autre chose.

"'Voila done, j'ai raison! "'We say "inexpressibles"! "'Ah, c'est mieux! Dat do please me ver much better. Il y a du bon sens la dedans. C'est une autre chose! "In the midst of this curious dialogue, in came the Duke of Dorset, Lord Edward Dillon, Count Fersen, and several English gentlemen, who, as they were going to the King's hunt, were all dressed in new buckskin breeches.

In speaking of the mode of marriage called pariam, which, like the jujur, n'est autre chose qu'un achat que le mari fait de sa femme, he says, le mari doit aussi fournir le tali, petit joyau d'or, qu'il attache avec un cordon au col de la fille; c'est la derniere ceremonie; elle donne la sanction au marriage, qui ne peut plus etre rompu des que le tali est attache.