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I was repeating it every minute while at play, for five or six days. When it was necessary to perform in person before this throng, my childish memory was confused. All my part was forgotten in my fear, and I could only utter these words: 'Your address, Monsieur Ambassadeur, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, your address. My mother, the Queen, grew very red, and was as confused as I was.

I was repeating it every minute while at play, for five or six days. When it was necessary to perform in person before this throng, my childish memory was confused. All my part was forgotten in my fear, and I could only utter these words: 'Your address, Monsieur Ambassadeur, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, your address. My mother, the Queen, grew very red, and was as confused as I was.

The Duc de Nivernois has parts, and writes at the top of the mediocre, but, as Madame Geoffrin says, is manqué par tout; guerrier manqué, ambassadeur manqué, homme d'affaires manqué, and auteur manque no, he is not homme de naissance manqué. He would think freely, but has some ambition of being governor to the Dauphin, and is more afraid of his wife and daughter, who are ecclesiastic fagots.

Une autre coutume encore est que quand un ambassadeur a été présenté au seigneur, celui-ci, jusqu'

D'ordre de son Gouvernement le soussigné Ambassadeur d'Autriche-Hongrie a l'honneur de notifier

"Leur badinage," says Montesquieu, "naturellement fait pour las toilettes, semble etre provenu a former le caractere general de la nation. On badine au conseil, on badine a la tête d'une armee, on badine avec un ambassadeur."

I was repeating it every minute while at play, for five or six days. When it was necessary to perform in person before this throng, my childish memory was confused. All my part was forgotten in my fear, and I could only utter these words: 'Your address, Monsieur Ambassadeur, Monsieur l'Ambassadeur, your address. My mother, the Queen, grew very red, and was as confused as I was.

This was exceedingly entertaining to the company who were present, and many a time afterwards it furnished a pleasant topick of merriment: 'The Ambassadeur says well, became a laughable term of applause, when no mighty matter had been expressed. I left London on Monday, October 18, and accompanied Colonel Stuart to Chester, where his regiment was to lye for some time. 'Mr. Boswell to Dr. Johnson.