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Friedrich in person is mainly at Dresden, lodged in the Bruhl Palace; endless wardrobes and magnificences there; three hundred and sixty-FOUR Pairs of Breeches hanging melancholy, in a widowed manner: C'EST ASSEZ DE CULOTTES; MONTREZ-MOI DES VERTUS! Bruhl is far away, in Poland; Madam Bruhl has still her Apartments in this Palace, a frugal King needs only the necessary spaces.

L'ancienne Angleterre a ete assez sotte, et assez dupe, pour leur laisser etablir chez eux les arts, les metiers, les manufactures: c'est a dire, qu'elle leur a laisse briser la chaine de besoins qui les liait, qui les attachait a elle, et qui les fait dependants.

Murray and his mother were sitting on a sofa, the former engaged in cutting the leaves of a new book, and Estelle Harding was describing in glowing terms a scene in "Phedre," which owed its charm to Rachel's marvelous acting. As she repeated the soliloquy beginning: "O toi, qui vois la honte ou je suis descendue, Implacable Venus, suis je assez confondue!"

Gaspard Roussillon, still overflowing with the importance of his part in the capture of Dejean, came puffing homeward just in time to see a man at the door holding Alice a-tiptoe in his arms. "Ziff!" he cried, as he pushed open the little front gate of the yard, "en voila assez, vogue la galere!" The two forms disappeared within the house, as if moved by his roaring voice.

Quelle philosophie a pu lui donner assez de force pour le supporter, et ne pas s'en plaindre? quelle energie tous cea faits ne prouvent-ils pas? The visit which the proud wife of the High-Chancellor Cocceji had made to the still prouder dancer, had brought the trembling and irresolute heart of Barbarina to a conclusion.

"And you a Scot!" "I'm a Yankee; and I'm through." "With the stuff?" "Absolutely." "Oh, very well. But a Yankee laird tiens c'est assez drole!" He smacked his lips over the smoky draught, set the half-empty glass on the deep sill. Then he began breezily: "Well, Seventy-six, what's all this I hear about your misfortunes?" "What do you hear?" inquired McKay guilelessly. The other man laughed.

Je connais de longue date les sentiments qui vous inspirent, et vous savez tout le prix que j'y attache. Vous avez raison de dire que l'avenir se montre assez sombre pour toutes les nations de l'Europe.

The condemnation to death hangs over thee, Raoul; shouldst thou again fall into English hands, there will be no mercy for thee." "Assez this is no moment for argument. The English are in motion, and there is barely time for thee to get to a safe distance ere they begin to fire. Heaven bless thee, Ghita! This care of thine draws my heart to thee closer than ever; but we must now separate.

So for a room apart and for ordering dinner, and for putting out the other travellers, they'll charge you a price unheard of even in the capital...." But he was in distress, in real distress. "Assez, mon enfant, I beseech you, nous avons notre argent et apres, le bon Dieu.

"Un tel qu'on vantait Par hasard etait D'origine assez minoe; Par hasard il plut, Par hasard il fut Baron, ministre, et prince." Captain Clubbe's harsh voice broke into the song with the order to let go the anchor. As the ship swung to the tide the steersman, who wore neither coat nor waistcoat, could be seen idly handling the wheel still, though his duties were necessarily at an end.