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"Showin' themselves for bait, plainlike?" Kirby asked. "If we have to. The alarm will have gone out. I'm bettin' there're patrols thick on that road." "Any blue bellies travelin' theah now are gonna be bunched an' ready to shoot at anything movin'." "So," Croff cut in over Webb's instant objection, "you get some Yankees a-hittin' it up after you, and you run for here.

Bob shouted cheerfully. "Number Three's sure a-hittin' her up. She's no cougher stays right steady on the job. Bet I've wallowed in a million barrels of the stuff since mo'nin'." He waded through a viscid pool to Dave and asked a question in a low voice. "What's the good word?" "We had a little luck," admitted Sanders, then plumped out his budget of news.

Hence the number of people gathered about to prick up their ears as the racket down the road grew louder and louder each second, and the thud of horses' hoofs, the shouts of boys' voices and a girl's ringing laugh were borne to them. "Yonder comes the Woodbine bunch, I'll bet a dollar, and they're sure enough a-hittin' it up, too.

And, by gum, it's old hell-a-mile jes' a-hittin' his heels. Where you been at, you old skeezicks?" "How are you, Johnnie? And what are you doin' here?" The Runt was the kind of person who tells how he is when any one asks him. He had no imagination, so he stuck to the middle of the road for fear he might get lost. "I'm jes' tol'able, Clay.

My ol' woman told me this mornin' she was a-hittin' the bottom o' the meal bar'l, kerchuck! ever' time she was dippin' into hit. Hit's erbout time there was somepin doin', ez I allow." "Saw it off!" warned Ludlow. "Here they come, both of 'em." Tom and his father had entered the building from the cupola side, and Tom mounted the flask-built platform while the men were scattering to find seats.

They gets a cold feelin' in the stomach in them places, poor creatures!" The old butler's heart quavered up into his mouth. He lifted his shaking hand, and put it to his lips, as though to readjust himself. "Oh yes," he said; "I ought to ha' given notice, and took my things away; but there, poor woman, it seemed a-hittin' of her when she was down. And I don't want to make no move.

The last time I done any fancy shootin' I was kind of wild kep' a-hittin' a little to one side an' the other not much, only about an inch or so but it wasn't right good shootin'." The half-breed grinned: "A'm stay here till you com' back. A'm fin' dat you ma frien'. A'm lak' you, bien!" When the Texan returned, fifteen minutes later, the man of many names was gone.

Patches, to demonstrate his friendliness, answered without thought, "Certainly, I'll promise that, Joe." "You won't tell nobody?" "No, I won't say a word." The poor fellow's face revealed his gratitude. "I'm obliged to you, Patches, I sure am, an' I ain't fergettin' nothin', either. You're my friend, all right, an' I'm your'n. I got to be a-hittin' it up now.

Boys, it sure was some picture, on that June evenin', t' see that Injun when th' blanket fell off his shoulders, standin' like one o' them bronze statutes, with th' settin' sun a-hittin' him. I sure never will forget it. Old Gall, he pointed here an' there, showin' where Rain-in-th'-Face was, an' where Crazy Hoss was, an' where Crow King was an' all th' rest of th' other chiefs.

"Looks like hit's a question of which hired feller gits fust the man who hired the other feller." And when this observation reached old Aaron he agreed heartily. "Fer once in his life," he said, "old Jason Hawn kind o' by accident is a-hittin' the truth."