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"Sammy, you go to the barn and tell pop Teacher's here and wants to speak somepin to him. Mister's out back," she explained to Miss Margaret, "choppin' wood." Sammy departed, and Miss Margaret sat down in the chair which Tillie brought to her. Mrs. Getz went on with her work at the sink, while Tillie set to work at once on a crock of potatoes waiting to be pared.

"What you mean, doin' somepin like, this yet!" sternly demanded her father. "What fur book's that there?" He took the book from her hands and Tillie cowered beneath the covers, the wish flashing through her mind that the book could change into a Bible as he looked at it! which miracle would surely temper the punishment that in a moment she knew would be meted out to her. "'Iwanhoe' a novel!

Feller wants to jest go slow And do his THINKIN' first, you know, 'F I CAST'T THINK UP SOMEPIN' GOOD, I SET STILL AND CHAW MY COOD! And it was at this inviting rendezvous, two or three evenings following my arrival, that the general crowd, acting upon the random proposition of one of the boys, rose as a man and wended its hilarious way to the town hall.

"Well, take her!" diplomatically answered his sister. "I can get Abe's niece over to East Donegal fur one-seventy-five. She'd be glad to come!" Mr. Getz at this drew in his sails a bit. "I'll give her one more chancet," he compromised. "But I ain't givin' her no second chancet if she does somepin again where she ain't got darst to do. Next time I hear of her disobeyin' me, home she comes.

But mother she sort o' smiled and said somepin' 'bout men a-never seein' through nothin'; and when I ast her what she meant, w'y, she ups and tells me 'at Morris didn't keer nothin' fer Marthy, ner Marthy fer Morris, and then went on to tell me that Morris was kind o' aidgin' up to'rds Annie she was next to Marthy, you know, in p'int of years and experience, but ever'body allus said 'at Annie was the purtiest one o' the whole three of 'em.

Gimme somepin nice and ketchy. That's what I like. If it ain't ketchy, I don't take to it. And so," he added admiringly, "you can play the organ too!" "That's one of my distinguished accomplishments," said Miss Margaret. "Well, say!" The doctor leaned forward and took her into his confidence. "I don't mind if my wife is smart, so long as she don't bother ME any!"

"'Yes, yer do, yer bloke yer, he whispers, 'Listen. Strain your years. "Then way off I did begin ter hear somepin'. It was a long, funny, waily cry, sort o' like the way cats holler at each other at night. 'Oh-oo-oo, oh-oo-oo! like that, an' it come nearer an' nearer.

Oncle Jazon was unusually talkative; he may have had a deep draught of liquor; at all events Beverley had little room for a word. "Well, bein' as it's twixt us, as is bosom frien's," the old fellow presently said, "I'll jes' show ye somepin poorty." He pricked the wick of a lamp and took down his bunch of scalps. "I hev been a addin' one more to keep company o' mine an' the tothers."

"Jes' youall tell me where youall's gwine, else mebbe somepin' gwine happen!" "You're right, something's going to happen, and that mighty suddenly!" was Jack response. "This'll happen to you!" He swung his arm up. Tom expected momentarily to hear the report of an automatic.

Women, children and cattle was crowded together in the stockade; but I didn't bring my family in. My old woman weren't afraid; and somepin' told me it was just one of these here panics like. "Well, one day up came word to the commandant to send a force down the river to Fort Pitt, as they called it, to jine with General Middleton.