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"Gone away!" gasped Frank, now joining Jack. "Gone away!" "Yaas, sir, Boss, dey done goned away on a ship named the 'Walkfast. I done holp Mister Pete put 'em on board." "Where is this ship now?" demanded Frank crisply. "She done lef' a hour or two ago," answered the negro. "If youall wants to know where she gwine, go ax de man at de custom house." "That's a sensible thing to do," declared Jack.

"You sure are tough customers," declared he. "I guess, Doright, youall better go get them old slave chains. They won't break them." "Yaas, Sir, Boss," replied the negro hastening away. "If you're hungry, better get at that grub while you got the chance," offered Lopez. "In a minute that nigger'll be back with the irons, and then you won't be runnin' around loose."

But when hit come to puttin' of 'em aboard a bucko schooner, Ah says to mahse'f, Ah says: 'Doright, dat haint right." "Yes, and what then? Why didn't you take them off the ship?" "She done gone. So Ah jest says to Mister Pete dat's Lopez Ah says, 'Mr. Pete, Ah says, 'youall better git them boys back, an' Mr.

"Tonight," he went on, "for youah entertainment, I will oferrr this distinguished audience a marrvelous programme an extrahorrrdinary exheebeeshun of tricks and sleight of hand meeraculs such as nevah befoh were puhfomed by human hands. "Now watch, ladees, and keep yuh eyes peeled, gents and mebbe youall kin learn the secret."

"Lordy, Boss," stuttered the now thoroughly frightened man, "Don't youall point that there thing mah way no mo'. Ah don't like hit Ah pointedly does not. Youall needn't be afraid of me." "Nobody's afraid of you, you big lummix!" declared Tom, now coming forward. "What's your name, anyhow?" he demanded. "Mah name's Doright Abraham Jefferson Davis Canaan. Ah don' know de rest ob it.

"I cain't seem to reckomember of any sich man," deliberately replied the watchman. "What did youall say he done?" "I don't know what he does regularly. I think he's a fisherman and shrimper betimes. Possibly he does odd jobs when he's not fishing. He seems to be quite a handy man at any job."

"Youall want that Spanish Treasure Chest, but you won't get it," savagely vociferated Lopez. "That chest belongs to us." "Well then," cried Harry with some heat, "why don't you go on and get it instead of annoying a party of boys who are here for a pleasant outing. You make me tired. You act foolish." "Don't you insult me," almost screamed Lopez. "I'll let Wyckoff settle with you for this.

I have an idee I'd better shoot youall right now for that trick. Yes, sir, I just believe so." Knowing his quick and hasty temper as they now did, the boys were not unprepared for anything that might happen. Gritting their teeth they marched bravely on even though they felt that at any moment the erratic man behind them might send a bullet into their backs. They resolved, however, to show no fear.

"Take him, Rowdy," he added with a laugh. "Ah is not in trouble wid mah feet," protested Doright. "If youall wants valuable help, jes' call on me. Mah name's Doright." "And we'll leave Rowdy here to guard the boat so Wyckoff and his gang don't get aboard," suggested Harry, drawing on his jacket. "You will not," cried Arnold. "Rowdy goes with the crowd."

"Jes' youall tell me where youall's gwine, else mebbe somepin' gwine happen!" "You're right, something's going to happen, and that mighty suddenly!" was Jack response. "This'll happen to you!" He swung his arm up. Tom expected momentarily to hear the report of an automatic.