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We have seen many a youth, on more occasions than one, standing in profound affliction over the dead body of his aged father, exclaiming, "Ahir, vick machree vick machree wuil thu marra wo'um? Wuil thu marra wo'um? Father, son of my heart, son of my heart, art thou dead from me art thou dead from me?"

Bahr el Abiad. R. Behor, Rupp. Amhar. Behor. Abissinie centrale, Kordofan. R. Kull, nov. spec. Djenke, Koul. Bahr el Abiad. R. leucotis, Peters et Licht. Djenke, Adjel. Bahr el Abiad, Saubat. R. Wuil, nov. spec. Djenke, Ouil. Bahr el Abiad, Saubat. R. Lechee,* Gray. Bahr el Abiad. R. megcerosa,* Heuglin. Kobus Maria, Gray. Djenke, Abok, Saubat, Bahr el Abiad et Bahr Ghazal. R. Defassa,* Rupp.

"Shamus, aroon, vick machree, wuil thu Ihum? wuil thu wuil thu Ihum? Jemmy, my beloved, son of my heart, are you with me? are you are you with me?" "Ish maheen a tha in, a vair dheelish machree It is I who am with you, beloved mother of my heart!" She smiled again but only for a moment.

"Well, good man," she replied, "you can have lodgings here for this night. God forbid I'd put a poor wandherer out, an' it nearly dark." Fergus stared at her as if he did not understand what she said; she, however, could speak Irish right well, and asked him in that language if he could speak no English "Wuil Bearlha agud?" "Ha neil foccal vaun Bearlha agum."

The purchaser cautioned the owner of the horse as they were about to enter the subterraneous dwelling, against touching either horse or man; but the countryman happening to stumble, inadvertently laid his hand, upon a sleeping soldier, who immediately leaped up, drew his sword, and asked, 'Wuil anam inh? 'Is the time in it?

Their grief was exclamatory and full of horror: consisting of prolonged shrieks on the part of the women, and frantic howlings on that of the men. The only words they uttered were his name, with epithets and ejaculations. Oh a Vichaul dheelish a Vichaul dheelish a bouchal bane machree wuil thu marra wuil thu marra?