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This wish was shattered early, for the son showed symptoms of being a writer while yet in the Central High School of Philadelphia. In competition with many of his schoolmates for a prize offered for the best story, young Stockton won easily. After finishing his high school course, he adopted the profession of wood-engraver.

No wood-engraver had ever reproduced 'a corner in the back drawing-room' or 'the studio mantelpiece' of No. 7; no young lady author had ever commented on 'the unaffected simplicity' with which Mr Pitman received her in the midst of his 'treasures'. It is an omission I would gladly supply, but our business is only with the backward parts and 'abject rear' of this aesthetic dwelling.

There are, however, results in the half-tone process which I hold are infinitely superior to the work of any wood-engraver of the old school.

I went away, after asking the captain to tell me later on what was the meaning of it all, unless it should prove to be something which had to be kept secret. The captain came himself and told me the little story. The young man was a poor artist, a wood-engraver, who had managed to slip on to a steamer bound for New York.

As painter, pastellist and wood-engraver he has produced since 1870, and has won for himself the first place among French engravers. It would be difficult to recount the volumes, albums and covers on which the fancy of his burin has played; but it is particularly in wood-engraving that he stands without rival.

<b>GREENAWAY, KATE.</b> Member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water-Colors, 1890. Born in London. 1846-1901. Her father was a well-known wood-engraver. Miss Greenaway first studied her art at the South Kensington School; then at Heatherley's life class and at the Slade School. She began to exhibit at the Dudley Gallery in 1868.

Francois, laden with academical laurels, first on the pass list for the Ecole Normale, had entered that college where young men are trained for university professorships, and was there preparing for his Licentiate degree, while Antoine, who on reaching the third class at the Lycee Condorcet had taken a dislike to classical studies, now devoted himself to his calling as a wood-engraver.

We must remember that there are no such things as lines in nature. Whether we use them to represent a human profile, the depth of a shadow, the darkness of a cloak or a thunder-cloud, they are mere conventional symbols. And we have accepted them ever since as the cheapest and simplest way of interpreting in black and white for the wood-engraver the shapes and shadows and colours of nature.

'He is no particular friend of mine. He is a wood-engraver, and writes also, I believe, for the newspapers. 'He can talk as well as write. 'Yes, he can talk very well. 'Do you not think there was something unreal about what he said? 'I do not believe he is actually insincere. I have noticed that men who write or read much often appear somewhat shadowy. 'How do you account for it?

It would seem that if he had not been an inventor of plots he might have been an inventor of instruments. This idea is sustained by the fact that he had been a wood-engraver only a short time when he invented and patented a double graver which cuts two parallel lines at the same time.