United States or Bolivia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He looked into Boots's room as he passed; that gentleman, in bedroom costume of peculiar exotic gorgeousness, sat stuffing a pipe with shag, and poring over a mass of papers pertaining to the Westchester Air Line's property and prospective developments. "Come in, Phil," he called out; "and look at the dinky chair somebody sent me!" But Selwyn shook his head.

Everything which could be done had been done, but as yet the papers were able to report nothing beyond some vague stories of a child, with its face very much bound up, having been seen at the heels of a woman in the Grand Central Station in New York, and hints of a covered wagon, with a crying child inside, which had been driven through Westchester County at a great pace shortly before sunset on the previous day, closely followed by a buggy with the storm-apron up, though the sun shone and there was not a cloud in the sky; but nothing definite, nothing which could give hope to the distracted mother or do more than divide the attention of the police between two different but equally tenable theories.

Since our arrival from Westchester the weather had been more or less unsettled fog, rain, chilling winds alternating with days of midsummer heat.

But it was afterward learned that the fire had started in quite an accidental manner. A little while after this General Howe moved with the greater part of the British army up the East River, and sailing on past the Island of Manhattan, landed on the mainland beyond in Westchester.

"Perhaps Constance does not love him," he suggested. I started to reply, but a sudden burst of military music from the street below drowned my voice. The twentieth dragoon regiment, formerly in garrison at Mount St. Vincent, was returning from the manoeuvres in Westchester County, to its new barracks on East Washington Square. It was my cousin's regiment.

Then his face grew very firm, and he read a frivolous book entitled: "Neun atiologische und prophylactische Satze ... uber die Choleræpidemien in Ostindien," till nearly one o'clock. The following day was Sunday. Peter went to church, and in the afternoon rode out to Westchester to pass the evening there with Mrs. Costell. Peter thought his balance was quite recovered.

Anthony Lispenard, of New-York. P. Van Courtlandt, of Westchester James Burt, of Orange. Gilbert Livingston, of Dutchess. Thomas Jenkins, of Columbia. Peter Van Ness, of Columbia. Robert Ellis, of Saratoga. John Woodworth, of Rensellaer. J. Van Rensellaer, of Albany. Jacob Eacker, of Montgomery, and William Floyd, of Suffolk. The vote stood: Republican. Federal.

The first two years of her married life had been spent on a farm in Westchester County, New York, where she had acquired some knowledge of farming and woodcraft, by assisting her husband in his labors, or by accompanying him while hunting and fishing.

With the exception of Mother Trinity, in New York, this was the largest, and altogether the most important edifice devoted to the worship of my own church I had ever seen. In Westchester, there were several of Queen Anne's churches, but none on a scale to compare with this. Our small edifices were usually without galleries, steeples, towers, or bells; while St. Peter's, Albany, if not actually St.

Anthony Lispenard, of New-York. P. Van Courtlandt, of Westchester James Burt, of Orange. Gilbert Livingston, of Dutchess. Thomas Jenkins, of Columbia. Peter Van Ness, of Columbia. Robert Ellis, of Saratoga. John Woodworth, of Rensellaer. J. Van Rensellaer, of Albany. Jacob Eacker, of Montgomery, and William Floyd, of Suffolk. The vote stood: Republican. Federal.