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And as he was going out of Jericho with his disciples, and a great multitude, Bartimeus, the blind, the son of Timeus, sat by the road-side begging: and hearing that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by, he began to cry out, and say, O Son of David, Jesus, have mercy on me! And many chid him, that he should be silent: but he cried out so much the more, Son of David, have mercy on me!

To these are added very copious extracts from the manuscript of Damascius, Peri Archon, and from the published works of Proclus on the Timeus, Republic, and Theology of Plato.

But aduro timeus yeck jalled avree an' got nashered, and kenna there's only shove; but they pens 'em the Seven Whistlers. An' that sims the story tute pookered mandy of the Seven Stars. Sir, the story of the Seven Whistlers, you know, is in the Scriptures so they told me. An' the Seven Whistlers are seven spirits of ladies that go by the night, through the air, over the heaven, like birds.

Accordingly, they confute one another in their own books to purpose, and are not ashamed. to give us the most contradictory accounts of the same things; and I should spend my time to little purpose, if I should pretend to teach the Greeks that which they know better than I already, what a great disagreement there is between Hellanicus and Acusilaus about their genealogies; in how many eases Acusilaus corrects Hesiod: or after what manner Ephorus demonstrates Hellanicus to have told lies in the greatest part of his history; as does Timeus in like manner as to Ephorus, and the succeeding writers do to Timeus, and all the later writers do to Herodotus nor could Timeus agree with Antiochus and Philistius, or with Callias, about the Sicilian History, no more than do the several writers of the Athide follow one another about the Athenian affairs; nor do the historians the like, that wrote the Argolics, about the affairs of the Argives.