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Church, in great distress. "I never thought of such a thing. I was alluding to the people Captain Barber was talking of regular tea-drinkers, you know." "I know what you mean, ma'am," said Mrs. Banks fiercely. "There, there," said Captain Barber, ill-advisedly.

Rather on the tiptoe of expectation, she awaited the next move. It was slow in coming, so again she looked wistfully at the distant tea-drinkers. She found slight difficulty in carrying out this portion of the stage directions. Truth to tell, she would gleefully have gone and joined them. Siddle was not altogether at ease. The conversation was too spasmodic to suit his purpose.

If it be most to be found among tea-drinkers, the reason is, that tea is one of the stated amusements of the idle and luxurious. The whole mode of life is changed; every kind of voluntary labour, every exercise that strengthened the nerves, and hardened the muscles, is fallen into disuse.

"Then," said I, "you must be a wonderfully clever child." "Oh yes, I know I'm clever," she returned quite naturally, and away she went, spinning over the wide space, and was presently lost in the crowd. A few minutes later a pleasant-looking but dignified lady came out from among the tea-drinkers and bore down directly on me.

Sylvia was encountering for the first time this summer a society guided by tradition and formula, but she was not without excellent preparation for almost any contact with her fellow-beings, a preparation which in some ways served her better than that more conscious preparation of young ladies bred up from childhood to sit behind tea-tables and say the right things to tea-drinkers.

No such result seems to follow its moderate use. "The loss by perspiration is limited by tea." This seems, at first, contrary to common experience, as the sensible perspiration produced by several cups of warm tea is a familiar fact to all tea-drinkers.

The lounge was crowded, but not with tea-drinkers. Despite the horrid dismalness of the morning, hope had sent down from London trains full of people whose determination was to live and to see life in a grandiose manner.

In their daily life the Chinese are extremely moderate eaters and mostly tea-drinkers, even the wealthy confining themselves to few and simple dishes of pork, fowl, or fish, with the ever-present accompaniment of rice.

Finally Katherine agreed that Betty might "wiggle the tea-ball" provided that she Katherine should be allowed two pieces of lemon in every cup; and the three lively damsels settled down into a sedate group of tea-drinkers.

"I don't think they were working last night, sir," one of the tea-drinkers answered. "There was a party of 'em out, and we bunged some bombs. We 'eard 'em padding the 'oof back." "Been pretty quiet, then?" "Except for that there rum jar, sir," answered the sergeant. "We thought we was napoo when we 'eard that little bundle of fun a-coming." "Have you seen it, Jacko?"