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All at once, whirling about and facing the other, he said quickly: "You are short to our firm two million bushels at a dollar a bushel." "Nothing of the sort," cried the other. "It's a million and a half." Jadwin could not forbear a twinkle of grim humour as he saw how easily Scannel had fallen into the trap. "You're short a million and a half, then," he repeated.

"When Bob Scannel beats me," replied Amy serenely, "you'll be playing football on the Varsity, old top, and I'll be getting A's in math., a far, far day!" "I suppose I'll be going to training table before long," said Clint reflectively. Amy groaned. "There you go! That's the sort of stuff I'll have to listen to from now on. I hope to goodness you choke on a prune!

Scannel made his pile, and what's Hargus now? Why, he's a scarecrow. And he has a little niece that he supports, heaven only knows how. I've seen her, and she's pretty as a picture. Well, that's all right; I'm going to carry fifty thousand wheat for Hargus, and I've got another scheme for him, too. By God, the poor old boy won't go hungry again if I know it!

"It's going to be my painful and embarrassing duty to stuff a towel in your silly mouth in about two minutes," replied Clint. "How did you happen to see practice? I thought you were going to play tennis with Scannel." "He didn't show up. I suppose his courage failed him at the last moment." "Yes, it must be trying to beat anyone the way he beats you. I don't blame him for shirking it."

You and he together tried to swing a great big deal in September wheat once upon a time. Hargus! I say, Hargus!" The old man looked up. "Here's the man we were talking about, Scannel, you remember. Remember Dave Scannel, who was your partner in seventy-eight? Look at him. This is him now. He's a rich man now. Remember Scannel?"

Oh, that was long ago. In seventy-eight it was the September option. And the Board made wheat in the cars 'regular." His voice trailed off into silence, and he looked vaguely about on the floor of the room, sucking in his cheeks, and passing the edge of one large, osseous hand across his lips. "Well, you lost all your money that time, I believe. Scannel, your partner, sold out on you." "Hey?

Buy your Lizzie a little gold watch with a hundred of it, and tell her it's from Curtis Jadwin, with his compliments.... What, going, Scannel? Well, good-by to you, sir, and hey!" he called after him, "please don't slam the door as you go out." But he dodged with a defensive gesture as the pane of glass almost leaped from its casing, as Scannel stormed across the threshold.

John Scannel Taylor, a native of Cork, in the service of Don Carlos. A few months previously he had been a promising law student in the Queen's University of Ireland, with every prospect of a bright career before him. He arrived from England in the middle of June, and attached Himself to the partida of General Lizarraga in order to be near his fellow-countryman, Smith Sheehan. Previous to Mr.

"Now," he said, "watch here, Dave Scannel. You see this check? And now," he added, thrusting it into Hargus's hands, "you see where it goes. There's the principal of your debt paid off." "The principal?" "You haven't forgotten the interest, have you? won't compound it, because that might bust you.

I think we've got all the shorts there are." "I'm laying particularly for Dave Scannel," remarked Jadwin. "I hope he's in up to his neck, and if he is, by the Great Horn Spoon, I'll bankrupt him, or my name is not Jadwin! I'll wring him bone-dry. If I once get a twist of that rat, I won't leave him hide nor hair to cover the wart he calls his heart."